How and what do I teach my children?
Teach them to say please and thank you. Teach them to respect their elders. Pretty much the main tenet of all religions is to "Be good, be nice, and don't be a jerk." Teach them to appreciate teh beauties of nature, Joy, simplicity, and happiness. Teach tehm not to look down on everyone else because they sell books for a giant publishing company. Teach them that it's OK to screw up, not "You better do it or Jehovah will kill you at armaggeddon. Teach them that it's OK to never be around someone who abused them and they don't have to treat them as a brother and face them and the elders in a commitee meeting.
I am so happy to be a parent and not have to shove the bullshit down their throats that I had. To realize that I don't have to spank the hell out of a 2 year old in the be room because they won't sit still and be quiet for two hours. That they don't have to take advice from Janitors when they are abused and be told by those same fat buffoons that they will not have priveleges if they go to a therapist or be Df'd if they go to the police. I'm grateful for those things, Worrying about what to teach them about some cosmic big brother is the least of my worries compared to the rest of it.