Who are these idiots? Re: Scott Peterson Trial

by IronGland 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • troucul

    just another thought, are we as a nation a slave to the press? for some dumb reason, the press gets hold of a story and won't let it go...I honestly think that Scott Peterson was not the only husband to kill his wife in the past year or so...why is this story the only one that gets press? what about all the other women killed by their husband or vice versa? american press kills me, they get hold of a story and won't let it go, malheureusement, there are some people who follow it with mouth agape like the idiot in the photo.

  • roybatty

    Only in California......

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    If she's auditioning for that, then just what position is the dude auditioning for?

    Maybe one of George Bush's interns.

    When you think about all the horrible, truly newsworthy stuff that's going on locally and around the world, it is amazing that for a full year people chose to let themselves be duped into following a court case that is of absolutely no consequence to them.

    You are correct that we have been sidetracked with this sensationalizing of this minor news event from some of the real tragedies in this world. Why innocent men, woman and children are dying everyday and all we get is a brief 30 second clip on the news and is forgotten. Seems like the American public laps up this type of dramatising "soap opera" event. To most people its all a big movie production.

    As far as the death sentence, I have to agree with bigboi. I think he should have got life in prison but a death sentence for a case based entirely on circumstantial evidence is rather harsh. There is no going back if he is executed and then later found out to be innocent.


  • CoonDawg

    I'm amazed that more people don't see that all this is is a distraction from the really important things that are going on in the US. I'm amazed when this is presented in the national news as if people in other countries give a rat's a$$ about some spoiled punk who offed his wife and kids to get a clean start with some chic he was boinking. God forbid they'd actually have to give a thought to issues like 40 million plus without healthcare, kids who are unwanted, a war in another country against people who never had anything to do with a terrorist attack on us, or the criminal organization of radical christian fundamentalists who have hijacked our country...nope, we have to keep watching some pretty boy on trial so that we can't concentrate and maybe really get pissed at our being screwed over.


    (who other than incidental content in the headlines wasted ZERO time on this a-hole's trial)

  • mkr32208
    wife and baby killer walk away free, like OJ did

    What Babies did OJ kill?

    I think that the evidence was pretty shaky for death... Lucky for him he's in California HE DID GET LIFE IN PRISON!

    Lots of these people were probrably people who helped look for her and then there are the anti-death penalty and Pro-death penalty activist too quite a group of weiners when you stop and think about it!!

  • chappy

    Looks like he's waiting for seconds...

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