The Secret Fault I Tolerated About Blood

by Swan 30 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Swan

    Yes, I tolerated a secret fault concerning blood. I have never told anyone about it until this day. Now I am telling you.

    As I recall, sometime in the 80's (or maybe late 70's) we were told to check our pet's food for animal by-products. This was usually another way of saying animal blood. I remembered one circuit overseer made it his business to point it out in that New Things We Have Learned Recently talk that he always wasted our Saturday night on. He told us that if we were in question about the ingredients, then we should write to the company! WHAT? I seldom wrote to my own relatives and I was supposed to take the time to write to some company about this stupid rule?

    So as my dog loved Alpo, I always "forgot" to read the ingredients, or the ingredients of any other dog food that my dog deemed tasty. Maybe I was becoming more rebellious, or just it was the plain German stubbornness that runs in my Mom's side of the family, but by golly, I had just about enough of the stupid endless rules they were coming out with to fill up each and every bloody magazine!

    My reasoning was this. Jehovah God never said anything about animals not eating blood, even animals in our care. I lived on a farm. We had goats. We had cows. We had a pig and a sheep. We had chickens. And so, by the very nature of having a farm, we had other animals that tend to go along with a farm; mice, wild rabbits, and the occasional opossum. Our cat and our dog would occasionally catch and eat this game. It was just their nature. Heck! It's what's expected of farm pets. They go after vermin! That's just nature. And Jehovah invented nature. So while we thoroughly bled all of the animals we butchered, I didn't expect it of our dog or cat, and I wasn't about to do it for them. So why should I worry about the friggin' canned food we fed them?

    So that was my secret fault. Just another of those little steps on the road to full apostasy!


  • jwbot

    If your cat caught a mouse and did not bleed the mouse properly...the cat must surely be disfellowshipped (and it most likely contracted feline AIDS).

  • Swan
    If your cat caught a mouse and did not bleed the mouse properly...the cat must surely be disfellowshipped (and it most likely contracted feline AIDS).

    You can't disfellowship cats, but they sure can disfellowship you.

  • Scully

    We had a dog when I was growing up - he loved his Alpo too - until the day that a large blood vessel showed up in the dog food. My parents decided that it was "tainted" by blood, and never bought that brand again.

    BTW - did you know that it's only the more expensive brands of dog or cat food that doesn't contain animal by-products? It sure makes it hard for a Pioneer? or anyone who wants to Put Kingdom Interests First? to be able to afford pet ownership. Just one more thing for the WTS to take away from people that might otherwise give them some happiness in their life.

    Love, Scully

  • Elsewhere

    (1 Corinthians 10:25) Everything that is sold in a meat market keep eating, making no inquiry on account of YOUR conscience;

  • Satanus

    As a jw i also thought this was a stupid rule. I also grew up on a farm, and the rule made no sense me, whatsoever. They even had a rule that you couldn't use fertilzer w blood in it. That made less sense to me, because the bible even says that blood should dumped on the ground. It never dislodged me from the org, though.


  • jwbot

    Ok so I am fanatical about me dog...we used to feed her Wysong which is a very expensive food - and somewhat hard to find around here. Then I checked and compaired the ingredients against Science Diet, Purina, Eukanuba, and...Kibbles & Bits homestyle. Well come to find out, the cheapo Kibbles (homestyle canned and dry) are really good especially if you get both the canned and the dry together. And it $10/20 lbs and $0.50 can...a good price. Of course we give her vegtables, nuts, and cooked/raw meat on a daily baises anyway. Never paid attention to whether there were "blood products" in it though...

  • hillbilly

    Excuse me.........I need to run out and feed my dog a salad............


  • gumby

    Hey just gave me an idea. I hope the food we feed our cat and dog has blood in it as I'm going to check.....and if it does, I'll point it out to my wife. Usually I don't do anti-dub stuff with her but this sounds like it might make her think a bit of the idiocy of the Organisation.

    If any of you know Bill and Joan Cetner....he told a true story on a cassette tape. This story told how he pointed out to a sister (he had already exited ), that he saw her cat eating a bird and how wrong that was. She said that was ridiculous! He called the society to prove she was wrong. The society's response was....."keep a better eye on your pets".


  • Shutterbug

    In the part of Texas where we live there are thousands of cattle in feed lots and there is a fairly high death rate among those cattle in the winter. In the past there has been a booming business in dead cows which can be converted into all kinds of products and one of those businesses furnished meat for Alpo. From what I saw at the place I visited they ground up every part of the cow that could be ground and sent it off to be canned for dogs. Yep, it had blood in it.

    One of the elders fertilized his grass with a product that had blood in it before reading the label and decided he would never do that again. Just for the record, the stuff worked great on his lawn, it was beautiful. He is still an elder.

    Another young couple took their dog to the vet who recommended a transfusion and they decided to put the dog to sleep because of their convictions. Makes you wonder what the dog would say if given a choice, a quick death now or a few more years of life with new blood. Looks as if the dog paid with his life over his owners religious convictions. Incidently, I understand he is a co now.. Go figure.

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