Hello once again to those that were helpful to me in my time of leaving the wbts.i said i wouldnt post for a while,but it turns out Ive learned a lot in the past 2 weeks.So here goes with my shot of seeing if im adjusting according to schedule.
in my search of my own christian freedom i have found myself led down a path that is a simple one.that being the path of Acceptance.The acceptance of my own sinful nature and that of others.Im not saying that it is coming easy,I am only saying that I see the need.
IMHO when looking for salvation i myself feel that it is not to us to judge.Several of US agree on that.BUT THAT IS NOT EASY FOR US TO DO AS HUMANS,I was looking for someone or something to replace the wbts but after some personal study of the scriptures and some help from all the links and archives here I have come to a point of humility.
In all things in this world the one thing we want most is love.What does that mean? Some may say it means the love of a spouse or the love recieved from your children etc...I know being both a married man with a wife that loves me and I her that those bonds are strong and bring comfort.my children for both myself and my wife bring a sense of joy to our hearts and we love them.
I THINK I MIGHT BE at least on the right track when i feel love for those other than my family.The story about the good Sammaritan is a very good example.To be loving to those who otherwise do not have your best interest at heart is the challenge that Jesus christ has set before us.
This is more directed towards new ones out of the grip of the watchtower bible and tract societys dogmatic and unsupported claims to be the only channel to salvation.Which upon minimal searching of the truth is proved both false and misleading.
Jehovahs witnesses find it difficult to realise that their salvation is in jesus.Most often only mentioning him as we pray through or in his name
I wonder at least for myself, if God isnt trying his hardest to wait until we see how simple salvation really is.He has given us a way to be forgiven and so many choose not to make FULL USE OF IT.when all it may have very well taken was a belief in jesus and a turning around of our sins.
WOW,that sure beats the things we all for the most part have gone through with the jws.to be bitter is not a loving course,because most are bitter with GOD after coming out of an oppresive cult as the jws.God nor Jesus told us to do this it was our fault and Satans.Why not have the love for God once again and believe in the ransom that Jesus paid.
Mans religion will always lead to sorrow Lets please all have the hope and love of the savior our LORD JESUS CHRIST..........KEN