I hope you all have a great visit together! I'm sure it will be a blast!!!!
Driving down to Texas
by outnfree 37 Replies latest jw friends
OK -- Just a little update!
Else -- Jann is going to make the drive down with me!
Jann is my best friend here in Michigan and also a former JW. Some on the board have met her (Elsewhere, for example) and know what a peach she is! Now some of "Texas branch" will have the opportunity to get to know her, too!
I am PMing my cell # to Chris, Lisa, David and PennyCandy right now.
Thanks for the good wishes RedHot!
LOL - Candid!
OK -- I just tried to PM PennyCandy twice, but cannot seem to do so. PC -- do you have PM blocked?
I'm sure that we could post the meeting place info here as so far the ones who want to get together don't have to worry about WT spies. How about you? I don't know your status. Will posting the time, date and place here be problematic for you?
Got the PM and have replied.
WOOHOO!! This is going to be great!
FUN!!!! It will be great seeing you and Jann! Travis, will your little chickens still be around? That would be wonderful if we could get all of us and kids together too!
Are you Texans partying again. You guys have way to much time.
Wish I was there
I wish you were here, too.
This is a good time to announce...
I'm trying to pile together hockey game trip on the New Year's Night (That's Saturday)
Tulsa plays Fort Worth at the TCCC. I thought that it would be great to have an apostaouting while watching a violent, forbidden sport on the night of a horrible secular holiday at the same place so many of us wasted summer days at conventions.
I got your message!
I'm up for the Cajun or the TexMex. I like them both.
I'm willing to flip on coin to decide.
*** Starts digging around from my two headded coin ***
I bumped into Cruzenheart at the grocery store...told me to check the board....I would love to meet you Outnfree, and see you other Texas posters!