Driving down to Texas

by outnfree 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree


    Eye -- it would be so nice to meet you, too.

    Badger -- The question is: Will anyone be in any shape on New Year's Day to go root for a hockey team at TCCC (Texas _____ Conference Center? -- I'm a Yankee, damnit! LOL) ???? I have plans for the night before.

    Am PMing you both my cell phone number.

    Is anyone willing to be the coordinator of the Wednesday night dinner?


  • Rabbit

    So...what's the plan? Is there going to be a dinner on Wednesday. When and where?

    We would love to see some of you guys that were in Dallas and meet the rest, too!

  • Panda

    Have a great time!!!

  • outnfree
    Is anyone willing to be the coordinator of the Wednesday night dinner?

    I'm quoting myself. I have no clue where to meet???

    Some further info: I have arrived safely. I am in a small town north of Denton, so a place on the north side of Dallas/Ft. Worth would be nice. My cousin, despite years of living in Texas, has not graduated from the bland food of our childhood and said, and I quote: "If we go to a Cajun place, I hope they offer little kid grilled cheese sandwiches on the menu, because that's all I'd eat!" So Elsewhere, Tex Mex? (Tex Mex is acceptable to Miss C and Jann and I love it!)

    Who can help me out here? I have some phone numbers. Should I start phoning y'all?

    So far, Nina, Chris, Else, Eyebrow2 and Lisa have said they're in. PennyCandy can't make it Rabbit has expressed interest. Any other takers?



  • cruzanheart

    Ack! Time got away from me! Welcome to Texas, outnfree!

    Okay, if you're north of Denton, I can think of a nice Tex Mex restaurant straight south: La Hacienda, which is south of Denton on I-35, right around Lewisville. Great food, fairly reasonable, and lots of stuff to look at. If I remember correctly, they even have venison quesadillas.

    Who's in? I'll try to touch base with everyone and see if we can plan for a 6:30 dinner or thereabouts.

    Nina (of the Last Minute Organizer Class)

  • cruzanheart

    La Hacienda is located at 3300 North Interstate 35E, Carrollton, Texas 75007, phone (972) 323-5242. Here's a map of its location:

    Does 6:30 sound like a good time for everyone? Let me know via this thread or telephone, if you've got my number, and I'll try to call The Dallas/Ft. Worth Gang. Impromptu 'fests are the best!


  • Elsewhere

    How about 7:00 ish... I get off work at 6:00 today and it will likely take an hour to get up 35 from downtown.

  • cruzanheart

    Okay, sounds great! We'll see you there!


  • Billygoat

    Neil and I have plans all this week. We can't come.

  • cruzanheart

    We might have a Badger there! Six of Nine might make it but he's being Knight Errant and picking up HL and FOSHLL from the airport so it depends on traffic.

    Arrowstar, where are you?

    Sorry you can't make it, Andi -- I miss visiting with you and Neil!



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