G'day all,
How's this weekend going for you? Stinking hot downunder - and humid too. Really draining weather - y'know what I mean?
A highlight was a bottle of 1997 shiraz from the Margaret River region of Western Australia. Did it kick!! But just slid down the thraot. Sorry, I don't just taste! Did Ozzie drink? You bet!
I'm going off my own topic, so here it is, a poll question to finish your weekend. The question is:
What was your main purpose in your field service?
1. To make disciples.
2. To "place" magazines.
3. To get my time in.
4. To get to work with that beautiful sister I fancied.
5. As above but for a cool guy.
6. To get the elders off my back.
7. To qualify for more 'privileges'.
8. To check out the best houses in the territory.
9. To get to talk to someone.
10. Don't know.
11. Other (please detail)
As always, we're looking forward to your responses. Enjoy.
Cheers, Ozzie