Ozzie's Weekend Poll #123

by ozziepost 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    It was all about the time for me.

  • BrendaCloutier

    1. To make disciples. That was supposedly the ultimate goal, but I was lousy at the final close, i.e. bible study. Besides, I had my doubt since 12 or 13 that JW's were the ONLY true religion. This doubt was reinforced when I was baptised and absolutly NOTHING happened except I was cold and wet in front of 10's of thousands of people.

    2. To "place" magazines. I was lousy at selling the truth, but I did a fair job at placing literature and doing my followup. Just couldn't get to the close.

    3. To get my time in. Of course! Isn't that what we all were supposed to do?

    6. To get the elders off my back. No problem as my dad was an elder, and I wanted to make my parents proud, as any child or well-mannered teen.

    8. To check out the best houses in the territory. That was always fun. There were definitely preferred territories where the neighborhoods were nice and houses kewl. This didn't always related to the best territory to place literature in. Often, they were the most rude.

    9. To get to talk to someone. Nah. No problems here.

    11. Other (please detail) In summer and school breaks, and then after I was pulled from HS after my sophomore year to go into the ministry, it was to get downtown Portland about 7AM and stand on the corner with literature. Meet the other JW's doing the same, and then meet for coffee about 8:30 and get to know them. Especially the cute guys.

    Tx for the memories, Ozzie!

    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Great Day!


  • redskymedic

    To appease my mother.


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