My grandson's letter to Santa.............hilarious, a must read

by Mulan 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    Cute letter Mulan

    youngsters can be terrified of mascots, clowns, any dressed up people

    When I used to take our youngest to a playgroup before he was old enough for school, they decided to throw a party and got a clown as an entertainer for the kids - the clown walked in half the toddlers in the room ran out screaming (including mine)

  • Englishman

    I heard that when Simon first clapped his lustful eyes on Britney Spears he was heard to mutter "Dear Santa...."


  • Mulan
    I found out by hard experience that these youngsters can be terrified of mascots, clowns, any dressed up people. This is because the children are not REALLY SURE if they are real or not.

    That reminds me of when we were at Disneyworld with Princess and family in 1999. Zoe was about 17 months old, and screamed when she was confronted by Tigger. We have a picture of her with her arms wrapped around her Daddy's neck, hanging on for dear life. We took her to see Minnie Mouse and she came unglued. We never knew why. This explains it.

  • Evesapple
    My grandaughter Emily is scared of Santa. When she sees a picture of him she runs away and screems.

    I was afraid of Santa, but we were JW's and I was told that he was pagan and represented one day at the mall we past the Santa village and he (Santa) waved to me to come over, my mom looked down at me for a response and I screamed at the top of my lungs thinking SATAN was coming after me.....yeah, that's my Santa memory at the age of 5.

  • morty

    That is soooo funny Mulan......At least he did not ask for anyone like Elvis Presily

    I also learned my lesson with children not having there "believes or non believes" in place yet.

    For my neice's first birthday I rented costumes of Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales. I was sooo excited to see her face when they (I talked my teeneagers into wearing the tights and bodysuits with masks...It cost me a hole day of skiing plus the price of the rentals..)walked into the room.I was also dissappointed to see her start screaming her head off trying to escape the room full of a very large tomatoe and cucumber....anyways lesson learned and now that she is two, I have full ententions of trying it again only this time it may be for her 18 birthday and a male dancer comes skipping in.....I am sure she will not scream over that one...ur, ummhh, maybe she will....

  • melmac

    That's so cute! I guess he'd be smart enough to ask "Please let my parents not believe in fary tales like "millions now living will never die"".

  • Alana

    ROTFLMAO!!!! I thought that was hilarious. Don't you just wish you could get into his mind to know just what exactly he has in mind for his own personal Godzilla? (Any siblings that he may want stomped or something? lol)


  • whyamihere

    Thats funny we wished for the samething!

    Brooke WI

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    LOL! Great letter from the little elf...

    I wanted the same thing for Christmas as your Grandson, and I got it! I married it, too!

    Country "hot crossed buns" Girl

  • Balsam


    That is just so cute. Have been reading Letters to Santa in the paper. Kids minds really get into the spirit of fantasy.

    I remember as a child being scared of Santa, he was so read and big and had never seen a man with so much hair on his face. I was about 3. But the time I was 4 Mom had prepared me well ahead of time with lots of santa pictures so I could have my picture taken with him. I still have it at 55. That 4 year old mind was thinking "Oh my get me off this strange man." LOL


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