It is not that I have not
seen Mathew 10:28.
Barak Obama would not say sometime
in the 20th century that “no one from the black community has become US President
except me.” He can make such statement only after becoming the President! So is
the case with Jesus: “No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.” (John 3:13) He
obviously ascended into heaven after his death, not in the beginning of his ministry,
because context is that he is talking to Nicodemus. If John 3:13 is not spoken
by Jesus, what about the subsequent verse 3:16, which says: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
If such major subject as
ransom teaching was later interpolation, Bible itself says we have to use
discretion to quote from the bible. (1 Thess 5:21)
In the light of the above
Biblical warning, we can know that Mathew 10:28 would not have been spoken by
Jesus who had already declared categorically that the obedient ones experience only
the physical death (death of the body), but his spirit survives the death of his body. (John 5:24). In
this saying, there is no departure from the OT where we find the statement: “the
spirit returns to God” following man’s physical death. (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
To make the ransom
teaching meaningful, Bible writers (rather editors) had to invent many verses
such as Mathew 10:28.