by recruiting new members,expanding. Is it money?
What does the Watchtower gain...
by homme perdu 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
Money and Real Estate.
It also gives something even more invaluable to egomaniacs and power-mongers. Far-reaching control over the lives of millions of people. The puppet masters are feeding their god-complexes.
personally I don't believe money is the goal, I do believe that social control is the goal.
Think about governments, if a government can expand their territory, their borders and spread their philosophy even further it further boots their control and power over more people. I think the Watchtower is the same, the more numbers, the more control you have, the more power you have. THere are a lot of people trying to leave a legacy, trying to make a name for themselves... this is one avenue. They go down in history.
Also, I believe that most of the WT members including the GB really believe they are what they say they are. So the GB probably gains a feeling of holiness from their delusions.
Control and growth are the life blood of the society.
The society has a history of being geared up for large scale growth, huge printing facilities, Kingdom Hall construction teams, etc. Recently in the west however, they have been severly disappointed, no growth, no requirement for new halls. Maintaining motivation then has become increasingly difficult.
why would they expand the printing fascilities further when the growth over all has went flat?
The WTS is a virus. Its sole objective is to increase its numbers at the expense of any hosts it uses.
There is no "one thing" that the WT organization gains by growing; to think there is is simplistic and naive. In fact, the WT organization is bigger than the sum of it's leaders. It will grow on it's own as if it were a biological organism. This is true of many, many groups and societies.
Yes, power is a goal, consciously or unconsciously, of many individual JW leaders and followers. But, so is an ardent desire to do what they simply believe is right, noble and "God's will." Their theology is false, but to those that believe it, it's true.
Oh, it's not money, btw.
AK - Jeff
I must agree with all the previous postings on this point.
I think that there strong force at work here in the ideological commitment to the concept that they have the truth - and that it should be spead far and abroad by the evangelical efforts of the organization. Penton compares it to the zeal of the Catholic church and to the Soviet bloc of nations. The spead of the ideology outweighs all else. In the mind of the Brooklyn elite, there is a need to expand and continue to grow in spite of the current slow-down in growth.
I do believe there must be a certain awareness of the subtle mind-control at work - but I think it is primarily a continuation of what works, rather than an all out effort at intentional manipulation. Men like Franz, Penton, Reed, Randall, all were in high profile positions and had no honest and external awareness of the part they played in mental control. But they were willing participants in it - and victims of it- so were many on this site. Perhaps the eyes of others - even GB members will open. That would be helpful, as it was with Franz. But it will be silenced quickly as it was with him.
Logical problems are ahead for the JW organization. But as long as the mindset at the top remains as it is - we will not see much change - except as needed to maintain control. Much like the changes in the Catholic Church over the centuries, or more recently with the Soviet bloc and Russia. What ever it takes to maintain control and power over the masses. They will attribute any changes - massive or miniscule - to a change in direction of 'Jehovah's Chariot'.
Just My Opinion Jeff
Doubtfully Yours
It's all about the Benjamins!