At the risk of parroting what Garybuss might say, any corporation is interested in growth for expanding its marketshare and profits. If you read ANY of the WTS materials, it is apparent they are essentially advertisements for the WTS and its other pseudonyms. Once they sign up a new customer through their extensive marketing program, they have another consumer for life.
What does the Watchtower gain...
by homme perdu 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think I disagree with the publishing corporation line.
Yes the WTB&TS is big on publishing but this is not what motivates them. What they are desperate to see is continued growth and expansion. This they feel is a sign that Jehivah is blessing them. Why else would they still continue to publish the world-wide service report every year?
The problem is that the large increases they saw in the mid 70's are not likely to be repeated again, even in the event of some global situation or disaster. But they still want to spin the yarn that the preaching work is saving lives.
I strongly disagree. I beleive, like any other business they conduct extensive research into which messages to push and into potential demographics. For instance, notice how they came about the 1975 date right at the same time that the largest portion of the population (baby boomers) were starting to come of age. They found out, through their research, that most people leave a religion in their late teens/early 20's and figured out a way to keep them subjective. In the last 15 years more young Americans are going to college than ever before. Since the critical thinking learned in college is like kryptonite for the org they have been heavily targeting the demographic with the lowest college enrollment stat, Black Americans. I remember around the time I left in the early 90's there were more and more Awake articles about slavery, racism, weather or not rap music was apropriate, etc. also there were more black people in the publication pictures than before. From what I have heard this trend has gained momentium My prediction is that tin a few years the society will switch their focus to Mexican Americans and Cuban Americans since these are the highest growing segments of the US population. They will also start pushing Gilliad Missionary School harder to collect those 3rd world sneaker pennies.
It's easy to figure out. Just look at what they do. Not what they say they do, but what they actually do.
They say they are religious and their only purpose is to warn people that Armageddon is near, that their actions reflect divine direction. Does that make sense? Do they behave as though their literature is divine and provided by God for all people? Or do they behave as a business? Do they copyright their work? Why?
Do they willingly provide the literature to all who ask? Even skeptics and critics? Do they make the latest divine directed work from God available on line for free? Why not?
Or do they behave as a company specializing in printed literature, sponsoring rallies, and developing real estate? How closely do they follow Jesus, since they claim to be Christian? Who do they seem to follow closer? Jesus? or Donald Trump? -
I wouldn't say it's only about money. Is there any evidence of a WT official raking in millions in personal income?
I guess it's a bit like with most politicians in Western countries where corruption is too easy to detect. They don't make millions as presidents or prime ministers. Many actually neglect their multi-million businesses when they get elected. What they gain is a feeling of self-fulfilment, power, influence and a page in history books.
Good points. I like your assessment of the WTS and your favourite analogy. From an outside perspective WTS really seems to be what you say it is: a big publishing enterprise whose sole purpose is to increase circulation.
The difference is that in a regular publishing corporation, most employees and executives know the real purpose of their company while in the WTS you may devote your entire life to the business for some imaginary reasons.
Most mission statements in big corporations reflect their real intentions to some degree. Of course money is the driving force, but that's to obvious anyone, isn't it?
The mission statement of the WTS corporation which you read and sign on becoming a witness (baptism questions) is a BIG LIE.
Pole -
Pole, I know you are aware that there are more ways than just personal income to compensate executives of large corporations, especially non-profit corporations. There is financial security, availability of corporation assets, health care, first class world travel, expense accounts, recognition, acceptance, pride of association, ego opportunities like public speaking at rallies, and duplicate condos in New York City and up state New York.
Here is a web site showing just some of the assets available to the management level people to control and enjoy.
How does this grounds picture of Watch Tower Inc. of Georgetown compare with your back yard? :-) -
sorry gary, I only notced your reply now. Nice pic. I always thought the WTS-style backyards/gardens are supposed to compensate for the ever-postponed Paradise Earth. But it must be self-satisfying for some to be in charge of the corporation which can afford much more than that. They must like it just like Henschel who chose the five start hotel over his fellow brethren's place while staying in Malta.
Pole -
Money, to build beautiful backyard for mentally illness member.
Hey Tyre,
YOu guys stole our flag!!!
Don't you have it upside-down though?