Will there ever be a time when you feel that you have let go of your JW past???
Will You Ever Be Able To Let Go???
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
I imagine it's a bit like a parent with her child. Do you every fully let go when they leave for college? And if so, is it an overnight process? I doubt it. It's been 14 years and I'm just beginning to loosen my grip.
No, because i still have nightmares about the whole experience.
For those that have been severely affected, I wonder if medical help might be what's needed.
Seriously min, i need a fricken labodomy!
jt stumbler
I think its like prisoners of war being able to do so.
franklin J
Yes, Min; it does happen.
The fog does lift and you move on.
New experiences and new friends help; time does heal the wounds.
I dont think its the WT we cant let go of, its not being able to let go of people who understand us, why should we let go?
For those that have been severely affected, I wonder if medical help might be what's needed.
Mini, I do believe that medical help helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I have no qualms about sharing my story. I went to the doctor, told him my story, got on anti-depressants, found a therapist and went through talk therapy for YEARS. I'm not embarrassed by admitting that, nor do I feel anyone should be embarrassed to get help for damage in their lives they did not cause.
Not as long as any of my family are JW's...or as long as my child has to deal with JW issues because of her father.
I have let go of it as much as I can, in that when it's just me, alone in the universe with my own thoughts, it's mostly behind me. I agree with the POW remark though...for those of us raised in there may be no way of ever totally moving past it all. But that doesn't mean that I stop trying.