Gumbys Daily Text for the Day

by gumby 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Brummie
    So an edlder

    Looks like the edit button still isnt working huh ;)

    Thanks Sunny, I use a foriegn translation of the bible, I wrote it myself. ;) kiss. (I cant do emoticons)


  • RunningMan
    Also: If humans were not allowed to eat animals at that time, how did Abel conclude that killing animals and offering their fat to God would somehow please him???

    That's a good point. In fact, if they didn't eat meat, what the hell was Abel doing with all those sheep in the first place? Don't forget that there were no women on the planet other than his mother. I will say no more.

  • gumby

    Melmac.....only god could eat steak back then.....not humans. I'm wondering what Cain ate in Nod since his ground was also cursed for him. No veggies, no fruit, no meat......poor bastard!


  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    I have always been told that Abel was the first witness. Do you suppose Cain just got sick of his witness crap and offed him?

  • AlmostAtheist
    I have always been told that Abel was the first witness. Do you suppose Cain just got sick of his witness crap and offed him?

    That's the most reasonable explanation I've ever heard! Abel: Perhaps, Brother, I can assist you? I see that your spiritual weakness is causing your sacrifices to our God to be hindered. Cain: Um, no. Thanks, I'm good. Abel: I only ask because while I've been pioneering the sacrifice of animals (I call them "meatings"), you've been inactive in your service, offering only the leftovers of your harvest. Cain: I see, I see. Ya know, maybe you're right. How about we step over into that field and you study with me? And, um, can I borrow your ax? Dave

  • funkyderek

    Cain was a vegetarian but realised that the bloodthirsty YHWH would not accept his sacrifice of plant matter. After learning that YHWH craved blood, he sacrificed the most precious thing he could - his own brother.

  • xjw_b12

    Gumby. A little early in the morning to be drinking don't you think?

  • BrendaCloutier

    And the moral of this story?

    Abel wasn't very able, was he?

    Ok, that was bad

  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen



  • shotgun
    shotgun must have had the brothers and sisters holding on to their armrests for dear life when you took them on your biblical rollercoaster pubic talks..oops public I mean.

    Thanks for the Daily text...amen...ra

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