And the moral of this story?Abel wasn't very able, was he?
Ok, that was bad
LMAO!!!! Au contraire, Brenda, I thought it was HILARIOUS!
by gumby 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
And the moral of this story?Abel wasn't very able, was he?
Ok, that was bad
LMAO!!!! Au contraire, Brenda, I thought it was HILARIOUS!
XJW and Brummie.......both you little bastards can bite me. My fingers are too fat and I hit weird keys by mistake and I'm too damn lazy to go over my posts and fix stuff. I never drink till at least 3:00 PM so that wasn't it.
I'd like to know hows come whenever there is a thread such as this in which a weird bible dilema is discussed......that usually (such as this threads case) there are no christian apologists that try and answer and explain what they feel their understanding is. Hardly ever. Once in awhile someone will tell what they learned as a dub regarding the matter, but few christians reply. Do christians feel that a mockery will be made regarding their answers or what?
Why no Christians? Well, if you believed the earth was flat, would you really leap into a debate with some informed skeptics? Anyway, it's just as well, those things never end well.
Gumby, if most "christians" are afraid to argue with JWs, much less with ex-JWs. They run for hide!
I am in constant amazement that as a JW I could read this stuff and not really read it at all. When I got my mind clear and started actually thinking, I started reading the bible without any preconceived ideas that it was the word of god. I didn't get past the 3rd chapter before I decided it really was just a pile of steaming ... So I missed this little goodie from ch 4. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I too would like to know how christians read this stuff and continue believing as they do. Evidently they just have to ignore it.
So, his penalty, really, was that he had to move to another place. By that standard, I should have about four free murders coming.
Come on man, the British were sending convicts to Australia for years, I can't get a ticket for love nor money ;)