This could be a lot of fun!!
If You Could Write Titles For The Watchtower & Awake! What Would They Be?
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
Young People Ask "Why do I still struggle with masturbation despite all the wonderful bible counsel and despite praying regularly?" Do I need to speak to an elder about it? How will that elder help me - with more prayer and filed service - or is there a better way?"
Young People Ask: "Why Can't Mom and Dad 'Spare the Rod'? My Behind Is Killing Me! Should I Wait on Jehovah, Honor My Parents, and Be a Better Son/Daughter?"
don't tell me your parents never "whooped" you on a regular basis.
- The "Good Samaritan" - an Exemplar for Our Day
- Show Respect for God's Gift of Life: Give Blood!
- "Greater Than the Love of Women" (the touching story of two elderly male pioneers as they celebrate their "silver anniversary")
- Teaching Your Children Christian Principles through Popular Entertainment (sorry, sounds more like a convention talk)
And my personal favorites:
- Pagan Customs that Amuse God
- Revelries that Refresh Jehovah's People
WB&TS have been predicting armageddon since 1876,the same year Col.George Armstrong Custer died at Little Big Horn...Article:" How Uneducated and gullable is your average J.W?"..LOL!!...OUTLAW
The Long Con... How long can someone lie to you before you catch on?
double post
tripple post
quadroople post... damn lag.
Elders ask " Why I am I so fu----g gullible and do everything the org asks and believes everything they say?"