JW CONNECTIONS.COM------Check It Out! You Can Date A Nice JW!

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • unique1

    Oh, look, he is just like Jesus, beckoning me from the water. I am so adding this one to MyWatchTower.

  • unique1

    My last post, I SWEAR, but this guy is CLASSIC!!!

    Brother, 23, Single
    North Highlands, California, United States
    I am an alien from another planet, I have come to capture a female specimen for use in various experiments. Jehovah says it's not good for man to be alone. So that's why I am here.

    Yeah! You have a choice. Hear it in the rhyme.
    exercise your right to express now feel it's time
    Paradise forever is evident God ment and sent
    holiness evolving because of Christ's involvement
    Jehovah's love the perfect solvent to effect and solve it
    scrutinize every word memorize every line
    God said it for all to refuel re-energize and rewind
    God gives sight to the blind and insights through the mind
    'Good news' confess and muse the witness plan.
    learning from the born again to become Borean
    Under every term God has our hearts earned,
    Now with the word discern each day the spirit yearns.

    It's what we all need to hear and listen too.
    These scriptures in God's word do free and liberate you.
    All the spiritual power is yours because Jehovah's goals and principles are to benefit you.
    Come along follow God as Christ leads through the darkness
    because God provides just enough spark that we need to proceed
    Carry on see this hope gives us strength come with God
    For God won't steer us wrong put your faith and your trust
    as God gets us though this fog to enlighten the righteous.
  • jwbot


  • keeshah

    Did you see the 18 year old brother that was "divorced, but free to marry"?

    You can even search for someone that is ALREADY married! Uh oh, I see some JC meetings comming up over this!

  • prophecor

    + I'm droppin' the gauntlet

    Ditchin' 'da daughter of Caananite Wife,

    Gonna' sign up and get me one'a dem d'ere ones boy, you betcha'!

    They got mighty fine specimenz in d'ere!!!

  • minimus

    If you want to see that site taken down, you could easily infiltrate it, huh?

  • keeshah

    Nah, leave those poor people alone.

    How else are they going to find anyone with the messed up rules of that messed up religion?

    I ended up moving to two different states to try and find a "mate". (I just HAD to get me some!) Because of that I still live 1800 miles from my aging parents.

  • Brummie

    "Come, let us drink all this water free"

    Actually, as I read this I cant help but feel sorry for these people who truely believe they are right. Even if it is controversial I hope they find happiness and their ideal partner.

  • minimus

    So, has anyone found someone from this "wonderful provision"?

  • candidlynuts

    do they have a pleasantly plump section? LOL

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