I personally am ashamed of my so-called comeback.
Hers the story.Brainwashed from infancy on,got out at age 16-17-really started hating the religion.Tried lots of drugs,sex ,selling drugs ,fighting,partying,gambling-soup to nuts.At a fragile and emotional point in my life,I looked back to the religion{for all those sappy and emotional reasons-EX-my life has no meaning,I dont like the way my life is}I had a short lived comeback,and fell into all the traps of believimg a cult again.Thinking i needed "structure"in my life.My mom kept sayimg how I would find a nice sister,blah blah blah...
After 5-6 months of going to meetings I* stopped,I realized most of the people there{especial;ly young ones raised in the troof}were living lies,and acting very immature.that was 3 years ago.I havent been to the KH since and never plan on going back.
I guess im embarrssed about this and feel stupid about my "comeback".wondering if this is natural to have a comeback considering my circumstances,or if anyone has done this?