how many people make a "comeback"

by stopthepain 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Aude_Sapere

    I applaud your concerted efforts there.

    My last 8 *years* in 'the truth' were barely going thru the motions. I finally stopped meetings, service, and talks. I've spent the last 11 years of my life feeling guilty for not wanting to be a witness and not feeling free to make my own decisions with my life.

    I didn't fully fit in the witnesses, didn't really fit with my familyl, and certainly didn't fit in the world because I was still feeling under the influence of JW upbringing.

    That's 19 years of limbo. Added to about 15 years actually trying to live up to my spiritual obligations.

    I think if I had done like you did, Give it a go and keep my eyes open and my wits about me, I would have come to the same solid conclusion you did without wasting so much time.

    You got things figured out by age 23? I humbly bow to your clarity of thought and careful, thorough consideration of options set before (and hidden from - !) you.


  • vitty

    I went back in when I was 24 studied and got baptized 2 years later spent the last 20 years in a cult who is the idiot. I dont think its you

  • heathen

    Yah right , find a nice j-dub girl . Those people have everybody convinced that getting married and having children is a big no no , after all the end is so close that to have children would only be risking their lives in the great tribulation or even worse slow you down when trying to make a speedy exit to the city of new jerusalem when it lands on earth . What a bunch of lame 'os .

  • Ticker

    Dont worry it happens to all of us. I went back once only to soon experience the same hypocrisy, greed, and bs. I soon got out after I moved, I managed to just drift away but still struggled with their programmed mentality. Thanks to boards like this one though now that too is gone and I can see the whole picture much more clearly. Its the emotional bond and their dreamed up promises that were the hardest to break from for me, the problem is they mix their image with god so that its almost indistinguishable. So a person struggles with the idea that leaving the society is linked to leaving god, and this really is the furthest from the truth. Its just a tool they use to keep people in emotional and spiritual bonds with a physical entity. Far from bible based I say.


  • outbutnotdown


    I agree with others here. It sounds like you KNOW where you need to head now. That clarity of mind is beautiful. You may think you have wasted time there but, as you have heard, you are way ahead of some of us in that category.


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