After I left the Witnesses, I felt really out of it, so I started reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) with the kids about once a week. And I had a Revelation (no pun intended -- well not MUCH of a pun). When Jesus was wandering around, he did good things for people AS HE ENCOUNTERED THEM.
So that's what I've tried to do: if I know of a need and I can help, I do so. I bought breakfast for a homeless person a couple of times, because I was at the donut shop and so was he; I was at Tom Thumb, and there was a Starbucks inside, and she was outside huddled against the cold.
That's my little bit of help. But if I help them, maybe they'll be able to help themselves. Or someone else will see and be moved to help someone. And, as that old 1970's Breck commercial said: and so on, and so on, and so on.
That's how you make a difference: one person at a time. And that's enough. We can't change the world, and we're not meant to. But we CAN change our corner of it as best we can.
You're good enough, hon, don't worry!
Love & hugs,