Which Ones Got To YOU?

by Sunspot 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Rather than hijacking Lostreality's "Question" topic, and Frannie's post---I began to think of Movies that were particularly moving to me.....

    There have been MANY throughout the years, but right off the top of my head I'd have to say "Imitation Of Life" (Lana Turner), "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing" (William Holden), "The Way We Were" (Barbra Streisand) and "Evergreen" (Barbra Streisand) that REALLY made me lose it in the theater.

    What movies struck *you* the hardest?

    Annie....who should have invested in the Kleenex Corp)

  • stillajwexelder

    Star Trek The Wrath of Khan when Spock dies

  • Odrade

    LOL @ stilla.

    Don't laugh at me... Dead Poet's Society. Oh yeah, and umm... Charlotte's Web.

    I cried at Dances with Wolves, but mostly cause I was so mad that in yet another Kevin Costner movie they murdered all the animals. Open Range anyone? Maybe they should just murder Kevin Costner in his next movie about half way through and let the animals dance around singing "Yay, we didn't get killed." Either that or put one of those red Star Trek security crew shirts on the dogs and horses so we know which ones are gonna get killed so we don't get too attached.

  • missy04

    "A Place For Annie." Sissy Spacek (sp?) stars with Mary Louise Parker, along with a (I think famous) older woman. Sissy is a nurse that takes care of sick babies at the hospital and decides to adopt Annie, a baby girl who's mom (Mary Louise Parker) has AIDS. The mom is kind of a druggie, and her and Sissy don't get along well at first but so that they can both be around her, Sissy asks Mary Louise Parker to move in with her and it is just soooooooooooooooooooooooo SAD. It gets me every time.

    And a certain Touched By An Angel episode. I'm probably the only Touched By An Angel nut here so I won't go into detail but this episode makes me (and everyone else, even guys) cry every time.


    **blows nose**

  • Narkissos

    A lot of movies make me cry. Even some Disney cartoons I now watch with my daughter...

    But the highest experience I can recall is Tarkovsky's The Sacrifice. It was the first film of him I saw (although it was his last) and it was just so incredibly close to me. I walked for miles in Paris, still crying. Don't tell me I'm a weird case, I know.

    Some sequences in movies always do that to me even when I have seen them many times. I think of the moment in Bergman's Cries and Whispers when the two sisters who were unable to communicate actually start talking and touching each other: you don't hear their voices and instead a piece of Bach's cello solo suite starts.

    Or the mix of pathos with humour, such as in Chaplin's City Lights (last scene for example).

  • missy04
    Either that or put one of those red Star Trek security crew shirts on the dogs and horses so we know which ones are gonna get killed so we don't get too attached.

    Oh, that reminds me of something...not a movie but...those National Geographic shows where the SWEET little seals get eatten or where a lion catches up to an elk or something.....I bawl harder when I see that than any movies I've ever watched.

    Come to think about it I am just EXTRA sensetive when it comes to animals...last time I saw a cat with a live mouse in it's mouth, at a friend's house, I caught up to the cat and said "LET HIM GO!!" and got the little mousey out...couldn't sleep for the rest of the night because I was afraid another little mouse would get in trouble and I wouldn't be awake to save it.


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    The movie Life is Beautiful (particularly the ending).

    And though this sort of genre isn't a favourite...I really was moved by the bitter-sweet life of the main character in The Clan of the Cave Bear.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    The movie that hit me the hardest was "I Am Sam." It starred Sean Penn as a mentally challenged person that fell in love with a girl like himself, and tried to retain custody of his child against the state. It reminded me that even against all odds, love can win out.

    I was also moved very much by Seabisquit. I know that sounds really hokey, but it was a true story of a horse, and the jockey who believed in him, that beat all the odds.

    I like stories like that. True ones where love, goodness, kindness, compassion, and faith win out. And *then* I wake up.

    Country "there's no place like home" Girl

  • whyamihere

    I am Sam...."sniff" it was so amazing!

    "My Best Friends Wedding"(the end)....Nacny Drake and I saw it and cried!

    "Baby Boom" in the beginging when she tries and gives up the baby and its crying really hard....Oh I could not take it! I even had to run and grab my daughter to hold her to make me feel better.


  • Sunspot

    ** "A Place For Annie." Sissy Spacek

    Funny----This is one I must have missed! I LOVE Sissy Spacek--and the name Annie would have intrigued me! I'll have to keep an eye out for this one!

    **A lot of movies make me cry. Even some Disney cartoons I now watch with my daughter...

    How true! I still cannot bear to watch Bambi when he loses his mother and was calling "Mother-Mother" in that heartbroken little voice



    those National Geographic shows where the SWEET little seals get eatten or where a lion catches up to an elk or something.....

    Yeah, I'm the SAME way! When the lions go after the zebras and tear them up---and I love large cats---but the action breaks my heart too.

    Thanks for your comments, all of you. A lot of the titles I didn't recognize; the foreign films and more "artsy" ones mentioned. Sometimes I think I should have gotten out more, LOL!



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