If you click on the link below what you'll see is an aerial view of the Llano Cemetery, located in Amarillo, Texas -- the place where I'll probably be buried. The gravestones can actually be seen. They are the white specks, all layed out in rows. I have several relatives buried in Llano Cemetery (my grandmother, aunts and uncles). I visited the office there one day several years ago in order to ask for assistance in finding the gravesite of one of my uncles. While there, I had an interesting discussion with the gentleman who helped me to locate the grave--regarding the reason why the deceased are buried facing east. He explained that the reason for it has to do with the belief people have that when Jesus returns he'll come from the east, and so the dead are laid to rest facing east. Although I firmly believe in the resurrection and the return of Jesus I don't subscribe to the idea that he'll come from the east when he returns. In fact, I consider it to be a rather absurd idea ... but whatever floats people's boat I guess.
Click here and see all the gravestones from the perspective of an eagle:
http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/imageinfo.aspx?T=4&S=8&Z=14&X=4846&Y=77936&W=3 .