I remember when I was in, and the elders wanted to speak to me in the back room I always thought it was an opportunity for me to give my side. It took a few times for me to realise.
I used to get really worked up and tense when they wanted to talk to me when I knew they didn't want to listen and one time I said to the CO "You're not God you don't know what's in my heart" as he was accusing me of all manner of trivial things such as not being obedient and submissive to the "arrangement"
After being on the internet and learning TTATT I had one last meeting with them and recorded it for my loved ones so they knew what uncompromising so and so's my JC were, and it went viral over the internet.
I only ever talk with them in public now on their trolleys and express my feelings about holy spirit and d'fing infront of other publishers so they see the truth of why I left.
Kate xx