JW's protected from Tsunami by going to the meeting... from bethel

by Max Divergent 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Came across this from one of the "faithfull".... now just watch out now you inactive ones there's a Tsunami looking for you, so just be sure you "Keep you eyes on the prize ocean"

    Just spoke to [some bethalite at a bethhell near you] last night.. she was telling us of the news regarding our brothers and sisters in the Tsunami region. In one area all the brothers were at the meeting when it struck, except for one sister who was home sick and a 6 member family of inactive ones who were caught up in it because they hadn't gone to the meeting. In another area all the brothers were at a district convention so they were safe and in Aceh the worst hit area all the brothers were in the hills where they had been for a while after having been driven out after all the recent religious persecution in the area over the recent past! Some Kingdom Halls throught the Tsunami affected areas have been destroyed which is to be expected.

    So, salvation from Satan, God, natural disasters and kryptonite are all brought to you by "The Truth" (TM) and local affiliates at your local Kligon Hall or District Jamboree...

    Good lord...

    Max - of the "buggered if there's a big wave" class

    And the deepest of sympathy for the peoples of the region and visitors, whatever their race, creed or religion. We've been to many of the affected areas more than once and always enjoyed the hospitality and generosity of the locals who've been so terribly hurt by such a massive disaster in such a vulnerable region

  • unclebruce

    G'day Max Diver gent,

    Can't help but smile thinking of all the JW BS that'd be hitting the fan right now.

    Timely reminder: Though Jehovah is only obliged to save those ranked Pioneer, Circuit Overseer & above, he does extend his loving kindness to those publishers sticking closely to these servants of the faithful and discreet slave. This is no time for sliding back brothers ... blah blah bs...

    unclebruce. 100mts above Tathra Beach Class

    A sign from the book of bethel "... and in the last days there will bushfires, terrorists and tsunamiis in one place after another ... but you won't care if the water passes over, long as ya got ya faith in Jehovah and go forth a preach'n in the hills..."

  • Mary
    In one area all the brothers were at the meeting when it struck, except for one sister who was home sick and a 6 member family of inactive ones who were caught up in it because they hadn't gone to the meeting.

    Oh ya, I was just waiting to hear some bullshit statement like this from some idiot of a Dub. What about the two Witnesses that WERE killed down there??? Why didn't Jehovah protect them?? It disgusts me that anyone could be so pathetic in their thinking that going to a f*cking meeting at the Kingdumb Hall is their salvation from a tsunami disaster or any other natural disaster. Stupid idiots.

  • lonelysheep

    I hate the fear tactic they use..."being in the kindgom hall will save you from..." I was told that in order to get me to attend the meetings when my son was just a month old and I suffered from exhaustion. "Armegeddon could come but you'd be saving your children by being there, remaining unharmed". I'm suprised I didn't lose it then.

    Two mosques were left unharmed among miles of destruction that surrounded them. I wonder what they have to say about that.

  • new light
    new light

    If only Jehovah had directed the KHs be built on the shore, this whole tragedy would have been averted.

  • freedom96

    The WTS has always taught that the Kingdom Hall was a safe protective place to be in events of disaster.

    They sure are going to milk this one.

  • blondie

    JWs have selective memories.

    Wasn't there a mudslide caused by a volcanic eruption in Central America that killed 2/3 of a JW congregation because they did just that, run to the KH?


    g87 10/8 p. 3 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? ***

    At the base of the San Salvador volcano in El Salvador sits the town of San Ramón. On the morning of September 19, 1982, it was hit by three huge waves of mud. Fed by torrential rains, the first wave was nearly two stories high and carried boulders and tree trunks. Carving out a canyon 160 feet deep and 250 feet wide, it rolled down the side of the volcano, picking up momentum and size as it went. Reaching the bottom, it slammed into the adobe homes in its path.

    Ana?s home collapsed under the unrelenting wave in one terrifying instant. Her daughters grasped at Ana and cried, "Pray for us!" Then the mud engulfed them . . .

    By chance, though, a roofing tile lodged itself in front of Ana?s face, leaving her some breathing space. "I just kept calling and calling for help," she says. About four hours later, neighbors heard her cries and began to extricate her. She was found buried in mud up to her armpits, with the bodies of her daughters pressed up against her in the suffocating mud.

    THE people of San Ramón were humble and friendly. Among the dead were a number of dedicated Christians, including a newlywed couple, Miguel and Cecilia, and a family of five whose bodies were found locked in an embrace.


    g87 10/8 pp. 8-9 Evil and Suffering?How Will They End? ***


    With Evil

    Until that freedom comes, we must endure living in a wicked world, not expecting God to shield us from personal calamity. Satan the Devil raised a false hope when he enticed Jesus Christ to jump off the temple, twisting the Bible text at Psalm 91:10-12, which says: "No calamity will befall you . . . For he will give his own angels a command concerning you, to guard you." Jesus, though, rejected any notion of receiving miraculous physical protection. (Matthew 4:5-7) God promises to guard only our spiritual well-being.

    True Christians therefore do not become "enraged against Jehovah himself," even when tragedy strikes. (Proverbs 19:3) For "time and unforeseen occurrence befall" Christians too. (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Yet, we are not helpless. We have the hope of living forever in a righteous new world, where evil will no longer exist. We can always approach Jehovah God in prayer, for he promises to endow us with the wisdom needed to endure any trial! (James 1:5) We also enjoy the support of fellow Christians. (1 John 3:17, 18) And we have the knowledge that our faithfulness under trial makes Jehovah?s heart rejoice!?Proverbs 27:11.


    g86 5/8 p. 15 "Armero Has Disappeared From the Map!" ***

    I listened in utter disbelief as the news report continued. Armero, a cotton- and rice-growing town of some 28,000 inhabitants, 55 miles (90 km) northwest of Bogotá, had been virtually wiped off the map by an avalanche of mud, ice, and lava. The number of dead and missing were estimated to be more than 21,000. Chinchiná, an important coffee-growing center on the other side of the mountains, had suffered to a lesser degree, with about 2,000 dead there

    Of the 59 persons associated with the Armero Congregation of Jehovah?s Witnesses, 40 who lived in the most seriously affected parts of the town have disappeared without a trace. Three persons associated with the Chinchiná Congregation lost their lives, and some 30 others lost their homes and belongings.

    Six weeks after the tragedy, I visited the site again along with Gervasio Macea, who had lived for eight years in Armero. He could not identify with precision where the Kingdom Hall used to be?such was the total destruction. Where a town used to be, there is now a gray, wide, boulder-strewed beach in the shape of an enormous fan.

    Obviously, Jehovah?s Witnesses are just as exposed to accidents and vagaries of the elements as is anyone else. In times like these, we can appreciate how the principle expressed in Ecclesiastes 9:11, 12 applies to all, without discrimination: "I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, . . . nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. For man also does not know his time. . . . So the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly."

  • new light
    new light

    We have to get this lifesaving information to the press! Line the shores with Kingdom Halls! Build an Assembly Hall on every volcano! Surround President Bush with elders instead of the Secret Service! Put a pioneer on every commercial airliner! Hurry!

  • outnfree
    The WTS has always taught that the Kingdom Hall was a safe protective place to be in events of disaster.

    They sure are going to milk this one.

    Is nobody but me skeptical enough now to believe that these types of "Bethel-sourced" stories are sheer fabrications? When I think about how they KNOW that 607 BCE is bullshit, that they REWROTE their history in the Proclaimer's Book, that they've DELIBERATELY MISQUOTED or partially quoted secular authorities to back up their ridiculous refutations of scientific theories, why believe obviously self-serving clap trap such as the above? They are liars, folks. Here's betting 9 out of 10 of all these lovely, "upbuilding" accounts we've heard over the years have been prevarications of the most intentional sort. outnfree

  • Fleur

    Hmmm. I wonder what JW's would say to the man that I saw on the news the other day who said that his family was saved because they went to church? (not KH). Would they say that satan protected the man because his family was engaging in false worship?

    and...oh my...do my eyes deceive me, is that REALLY Uncle Bruce???

    I'm still hanging out in the phone box, Brucie...and have thought of you often! SO happy to see you old friend!



    (same old essie, lost the old account password)


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