JW's protected from Tsunami by going to the meeting... from bethel

by Max Divergent 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Even before I was out of the JWs it bothered me when I heard stories of how people were saved because they were at the meeting or the assembly or some such nonsense.

    One of the worst I heard was about the brother who turned down a good-paying job with a company he had been trying for some time to get a job with. He turned it down because the first day of the job coincided with an MS school he had planned on going to. The first day of the job: 9-11-01 with a company based in the World Trade Center. I was incensed when I heard that one. God saved this guy but couldn't save the other 13 JWs who did die or countless other "christians" who died that day?

    It's interesting that in print the WTS says JWs are exposed to accidents as anyone else, but how the stories fly about JWs who survived catastrophe because they were doing "what they were supposed to be doing".

    But the JWs are not alone in believing that God protects them somehow. Lots of people have that same mentality. A friend sent me part of a newspaper article about a woman whose son managed to survive the tsunami:

    Barbara Myers said yesterday that her son "dodged a bullet" after his weekend plans to be in Phuket, Thailand - one of the hardest-hit areas after tsunamis struck Sunday, killing tens of thousands in Asia - fell through at the last minute.

    "I think it was the hand of God. It truly was," Myers said. "I pray many times a day that God will bless and protect my children, and I felt like it was an answered prayer."

    Her oldest son, Chad Myers, 29, teaches at the Singapore satellite campus of INSEAD, a French university.

    Chad Myers completed an intensive one-year MBA program at INSEAD's campus in Singapore in June and had recently begun teaching there. For Christmas, he and his girlfriend had planned to spend a few days in Phuket. But her passport did not come through in time.

    "He was very depressed about that. They were stuck in Singapore for the holiday. But what a blessing that they were," Myers said. There was no damage in Singapore.

    So God saw fit to save two people because this one woman prayed that he bless and protect them? 150,000 other people didn't have anyone praying for them?
  • eyeslice
    Even before I was out of the JWs it bothered me when I heard stories of how people were saved because they were at the meeting or the assembly or some such nonsense.

    ditto for me too.

    I can understand some of their reasoning though. JWs are trained to think of themselves as a world-wide united family. Hence, this sort of news is regarded as news of one's own family.


  • RunningMan

    What's truly faith strengthening is that --NOT A SINGLE APOSTATE-- was killed in the tsunami. I find this very encouraging.

  • Sunspot

    I was watching one of the cable news channels yesterday afternoon, and a man was on who survived the Tsunami, and he said that it happened at 7:30 AM and the markets weren't as full as they would have been in just a couple of hours-so that many more lives had actually been spared.

    All this talk about JWs at the KHs kinda makes me wonder what time they START their meetings!


  • sf

    First and foremost....

    {{{{{{{{{ BRUCE BABY!!!!! }}}}}}}}}} I've missed you terribly and your phone number faded in my book. I love you and hope you are all doing well. PM me your number again please.


    Is nobody but me skeptical enough now to believe that these types of "Bethel-sourced" stories are sheer fabrications?

    Of course it's fabrication. Why would anyone believe these numbers and sources? I'm sure there is a lot of info we won't see. And in order to keep the facade up, I'm sure there are more dead jws then just two. Please. When has WT ever told ABSOLUTE TRUTH?


  • LovesDubs

    Annie...yeah I was going to say that too. They said that many of the children DIED because they were SLEEPING. The freaking halls WERENT EVEN OPEN. Ugh ugh ugh!!! This is the same crap they pulled about 9/11 that the only JWs who died were inactive ones who were working in the towers!

    Such bullsheet. And you know we ALL lived for these freakin stories. We ALL believed them as JWs. Im astonished at how gullible we all were.


  • Sunspot

    **When has WT ever told ABSOLUTE TRUTH?

    Ummm----er----hmmm----(scratching head)



  • itsallgoodnow
    Is nobody but me skeptical enough now to believe that these types of "Bethel-sourced" stories are sheer fabrications? When I think about how they KNOW that 607 BCE is bullshit, that they REWROTE their history in the Proclaimer's Book, that they've DELIBERATELY MISQUOTED or partially quoted secular authorities to back up their ridiculous refutations of scientific theories, why believe obviously self-serving clap trap such as the above? They are liars, folks. Here's betting 9 out of 10 of all these lovely, "upbuilding" accounts we've heard over the years have been prevarications of the most intentional sort.

    Yup. Don't believe a word of it.

  • Gordy

    The JW's make it sound so much as if it only happens to them.

    News report the other day stated that the children of an orphanage, were saved when the tsunami hit Sri Lanka, because they were in the CHURCH next door, holding a service, when it hit.

    Today on the TV news they said in any area of Sumatra, a village was completely flattened by the wave, the only building left standing and which many people were, was the local MOSQUE.

    Will these reports be in the Watchtower or Awake ?

  • GermanXJW

    Today, a local German newspaper published the story of a JW couple that survived the tsunami. According to them it was because of an article in the Awake!-magazine.

    They are also told to have attended the congregation 140km away and the whole congregation searched for them when they heard of the disaster. When the wife was interviewed in Bangkok, the congregation sent a delegate.

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