G'day JH,
I haven't posted in a while & am enjoying your threads tonight.
Even the humblest publisher will tell you JW's aren't a "badnews religion". Atheism is a badnews religion. In fact I plan to start preaching door to door on that basis. I think athiests should go preaching to JWs in their own homes:
Athiest Preacher: knock knock ..
Jehovah's Housewife: who's there?
Atheist Preacher: (Thinks: not Jehovah that's for sure heh.. heh..) goodmorning I am a Darwins Athiest and I have come to tell you the bad news ..
Jehovah's housewife: I'm not interested
Atheist Preacher: Is it me your not interested in or my message of self empowerment?
Jehovah's Housewife: I have my own religion.
Athiest Preacher: That's why I'm here .. to bring you the bad news that leads to eternal ... well ..non existance.
Jehovahs Housewife: I'm busy
Atheist Preacher: This won't take long - JEHOVAH DOESN'T EXIST!
Jehovah's Housewife: Prove that from the bible!
Atheist Preacher: Perhaps I can interest you in a free home evolution study?
Jehovah's Housewife: ... ooo you need an AWAKE! magazine.