Bad News Religions sell as well as drug addition, a little pill, a little Armageddon and all your problems go away.
by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends
Bad News Religions sell as well as drug addition, a little pill, a little Armageddon and all your problems go away.
but look at the people that it sells to, you don't see many educated people buying the enquirer.
and you don't see many intelligent people going to the hall, the dubbers prey on the lonely, uneducated.
that is why the tabloids are found in bulk in trailer parks. you know the communities, where the homes have tires and the cars don't.
I am not down on people who live in manufactured housing. I started in a single wide. but when that is what you aspire to.
dubbers are by nature lazy people, they want it all figured out for them, they don't want to think for themselves. don't worry, god will make it all better. It may get bad but not to bad, before god will take this all away,.
They are like the coyote from the roadrunner and coyote, as long as they don't look down they wont fall, but I have been told by so many dubbers that they are not going to have to die.
but one by one they die. still waiting for a god that does not exist. and a savior that was manufactured and even stolen from zorasterism.
and a bible that 1200+- years ago some men got together and decided what books form the old Jewish religion were gods word and which were not.
It still amazes me how so many people in this world live their lives based on religion that has if nothing else proved that it is untrue.
p.t. Barnum said their is a sucker born every min. and Adolph Hitler said the bigger the lie the more apt. people are to believe it.
So they give all their time going from door to door, telling people that the end of the world is at hand. and laugh when the door is slammed in their faces, because they are gods personal hand on earth,.
at the same time their kids suffer in school being isolated in their own communities, not being able to participate in going from door to door to just get a 3 musketeers bar, or run down stairs and open a present, or have their parents see them sing in a school play. or watch them hit a ball for the school base ball club.
They buy all the 4 door cars from the local lot, to be good Christians, and don't watch R movies, except when they can see them in private. heavens forbid that they have oral sex with their husbands or wives. but soon we can have our conscience guide them on if they should take whole blood. [ my estimate of what will happen in a couple of years]
I pity them, they live in absolute fear. wasting their short pitiful lives, bowing down to some 80-100 year old men that have never got a blow job in their lives, in fact they have not seen a vagina, if they had seen a virgina they would not want to be part of the governing body. just my 2 cents
Interesting question.
I think that they don't sell as well as they used to. All major changes in human consciousness happens over a long period of time, but IMHO we are moving into a more peaceful human consciousness.
Fifty years ago most parents thought that negative consequences prevented bad behaviour. Fifty years later most parents know that positive reinforcement prevents it much better.
There will always be people that feel they need to feel superior to others but in general I think the trend is going in the more positive way.
Yes Bad news does sell.....i have lived with a journalist for 20 years....worse the news the better the sell.....
Yes....disasters do turn poeple to is crutch for hope......but it also turns people away when disbelief sets in....
much more than sell, it keeps the rank and file in line.
If you tell the r-n-f that its sunny and wonderfull go live your life to the fullest.
you wont be able to keep them giving time and money.
but if you keep them on the edge of their seats as to the end of the world.
dont get caught up in the things the world has to offer, its just satans way of misleading you because the end is soooooo cloooooose.
1925, millions now living will never die. welll most will not die. well a few will be here for the big a
well you rank and file jumped the gun and misunderstood the meaning of generation, you stupid r&f
but dont get to secure its very close, how close, verrrry close.
only one thing I can say to that. Keep swiming bob.