Who Is The Most Beautiful Woman or Man In The World???

by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • outbutnotdown
    physically? Ewan McGregor gets my vote for "most beautiful man".


    When Ewan's picture came up, I thought I was looking in the mirror.

    Sorry, my computer is not working properly, so I can't bring up a pic (maybe someone else can), but I've always thought that Diane Lane was gorgeous.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    I'd have to say Val Kilmer and Johnny Depp.

    hmm, how could i forget Johnny Depp? you have good taste, Sunspot!

    here ya go, outbutnotdown...

  • frankiespeakin


    Her eyes don't look real,,look at the pupils.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    yesh, i noticed that too... bad Photoshop? job, i think...

  • SixofNine

    For a couple of years, I thought of this woman as someone who, if you'd asked me to list my 5 most beautiful women, would have been right there on the list along with a few celebrities. When I first met her, she was just the lovely pregnant girl who served me my coffee at the bookstore, and later, as I got to know her, I thought she was even more lovely.

    The sad fact is that I only was able to critique her face realistically (professionally), after I photographed her. I'm not showing pics that show the flaw too much here, but she has a nose that would prevent her from making it really big (at least w/o surgery, I think it had been broken when she was young) as a print model, and probably as an actress, for that matter. Her eyes had a asymmetry that showed up in alot of pics too. It's just funny to me to think that I was sorta surprised when looking at her pics, I hadn't ever noticed before, nor even very much while photographing her.

    By then I was head over, so her beauty didn't fade at all, just my daydreams of having "discovered" someone famous, lol.

    Looking at her pics again, I still see a mouth second to none, and eyes that flashed beautiful light. She sure was hung up on her babies daddy though, even if she didn't want to be, lol.



  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    -wow- she's extremely photogenic, and beautiful. i don't see anything wrong with her nose... i mean, cindy crawford had a mole, shannen doherty's face is rather asymetrical, and parker posey is kind of quirky, but they all made it big... anyway, those are beautiful photographs and she is stunning.

  • SixofNine

    I & P, believe me, I think she is more beautiful than Shanon Dougherty, and I even thought her more beautiful than Cindy Crawford, in the full dimensions of real life. In the flat, 2D world of a photograph though, there were alot of otherwise awesome pictures, that just wouldn't fly because of the nose thing (as I said, I didn't post images that show that characteristic too much). Once you're tuned into something like that, you can certainly light for it, and choose angles for it, etc., but you don't expect to need to do that with a professional print model, at least not with the most straight on view. Actors can get away with more, it's true, as they are always in motion.

    Anyway, it's still a pleasure to photograph anyone that beautiful, and really, it's fun to find ways to emphasize the best of a person, and minimize their less-than-photogenic parts. The person need not be anywhere near as photogenic as Andrea above to do that with, either.

    I've more often been gobsmacked at how stunning some people, who are merely attractive in life, become when viewed thru a lens. Alot of people who make their living in front of a camera, are not the first people you would notice in a room.

  • Valis

    too much clothes in those pics Sixo...no wonder you had to lok at her nose...


    District Overbeer

  • doodle-v
  • SixofNine

    why that boy so sad?

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