My daughter. She will grow up to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
Who Is The Most Beautiful Woman or Man In The World???
by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends
Nic, your pic doesn't show. The title makes me wonder, is she named Georgia? My daughter is a Georgia as well.
why that boy so sad?
lol! actually i've never seen a pic of Jude Law smiling.... hmmm wonder if that boy has bad teeth or sumpin -Doodle-V
well, for the most beautiful man, everyone knows its really me
well, DUH!
doodle-v made my evening
*Saves pics in c:\Documents and Settings\Doodle-V\My Pictures\Jude Law\*
For the guys I would say Al Pacino or Keanue Reeves, both dark and handsome. Brad Pitt and Val Kilmer are "cute" but maybe lack a little mystery. For the women,, definitely Beyonce (beautiful, looks like Eve in the garden of eden) and Angelina Jolie (mysterious and sexy).
you should have seen the naughty pics doodl..., um I mean my Secret Santa sent me...
District Overbeer
you should have seen the naughty pics doodl..., um I mean my Secret Santa sent me
*smacks Valis upside the head*
shhhh! Those pics are in the cone
shhhh! Those pics are in the cone
THAT was a cone?!!
District Overbeer