This bit is taken from . Although the article presents a lot of BS to justify the Tsunami, some points are interesting:
From a biblical perspective the Tsunami tragedy is purely an act of God, because there are no human factors to blame. There are no loggers to blame for clearing forests, no engineers to fault for poor design or construction, no government planners to call to account for allowing urban development in risky places. The slipping of the tectonic plates on the ocean-bed off Sumatra, cannot be blamed on global warming or on the lack of adequate precautionary measures. What happened is beyond human capacity to influence or control.
Some Christian wish to blame the Devil for such natural disasters, but nowhere the Bible attributes to Satan power over weather, natural phenomena or disastrous events. Satan is sometimes called the prince of this world (2 Cor 4:4, John 12:31, 14:30, Eph 6:12), but his power appears to be limited to tempt and deceive.
For Christians who believe in God as Creator and Controller of this world, there is only the difficult conclusion that the responsibility for the Tsunami disaster rests directly with God. Scripture tells us that God controls the rain (Deut 11:14-17, 28:12, Job 5:10, Matt 5:45, James 5:17-18), lightning (Ps 97:4), thunder, snow, whirlwind, flood, clouds Òto accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world, whether for correction, or for his land, or for love, he causes it to happenÓ (Job 37:12-13; cf. Job 28:10-11, Ps 107:25, 29, Nahum 1:3-4).
God causes earthquakes (Job 9:5, 28:9, Ps 18:7, 77:16-18, 97:3-5, Isa 2:19, 24:20, 29:6, Jer 10:10, Nahum 1:5, Heb 12:26), and the mountains to be thrown down and the valleys to fill (Ezek 38:20). The forces of nature never spiral out of GodÕs control. They are controlled by God who Òshakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars trembleÓ (Job 9:6). God Òlooks on the earth and it trembles, touches the mountains and they smoke!Ó (Ps 104:32).