This poor fellow got in trouble with the Watchtower Society over copyright laws and got reprimanded. Instead of standing up for his rights, he just "kisses xxx." Read his acquiescing response.
Unofffical Jehovah's Witness Website Censured
by Kenneson 43 Replies latest jw friends
" Well, I finally got The Letter that I hoped I'd never receive."
"Winston knew it was only a matter of time before his thoughtcrimes were detected and they came for him."
That sounds stupid. Why hasn't the legal department written a letter to simon?
Have You Seen My Mother
lmao... what a .
What he was doing was considered "fare use". No court in the US or any other "westerm" country would have upheld the WTS case.
The WTS would not have had any legal ground to stand on... and he just bent over and took it.
Brainwashed through and through.
Hey buddy... since your give'in...
That sounds stupid. Why hasn't the legal department written a letter to simon?
Because they know that he would post a scanned copy of the letters and mock the lawyers and the WTS.
We would make the WTS look terrible for pulling crap like that... but that other guy got on his knees and kissed their ass as if it was a privilege to do so.
If you click on Home, you will note "Important News"
"At the request of the legal department, I won't be updating this website with new materials. In just a little while longer we will have had all the meetings covered by these references, and then this site will be no more."
"At the request" ?????????????
"...and this site will be no more." Sad. Intimidated to the point of closure.
Mr. Desinger's comments translated into another cult, another place, another time (think Jim Jones):
We should understand why the Society has asked us to drink this Kool-Aid straight. The Society must avoid dilution of Kool-Aid even if there is no violation. Although I believe that these small excerpts are allowed by the principle of fair use, there's a higher principle that we follow.
Jehovah told the Israelites not to eat pork and other foods. The Israelites didn't know why they couldn't eat them, but those who obeyed were protected and blessed. I don't know why the Society wants us to do this drinking of Kool-Aid. At the same time I hope that by obeying, we'll be protected from something that I know nothing about.
May Jehovah bless your efforts to grow closer to him!
bob desinger -
David Silver's website
Recently Bob Desinger received a request from the Society?s legal department to stop publishing scriptures on his web site. (Click HERE to read that letter and Bob?s comments.) Like Bob, I am going to honor that request. As materials on this page run out, I will not be updating them. I will, however, keep this site up, but without any reference material. Feel free to email me regarding this development.
I have already received many encouraging emails regarding this and want to thank you all. One email asked How are you going to keep this site if the purpose for it has been done away with? What are you going to post for our benefit? I will dress up the other pages and hope that you come back for software, downloads or for links.
I will endeavor to answer all emails. Please be patient.
Some have asked why. Bob Desinger summed it up very well with these comments:
We can understand why the legal department would need to object. They have to avoid dilution of copyright even if there is no violation. Although I believe that these small excerpts are allowed by the principle of fair use, there's a higher principle that we follow.
Jehovah told the Israelites not to eat pork and other foods. The Israelites didn't know why they couldn't eat them, but those who obeyed were protected and blessed. I don't know why the legal department doesn't want us to do this copying and pasting and formatting for the benefit of others. At the same time I hope that by obeying, we'll be protected from something that I know nothing about.
May Jehovah bless your efforts to grow closer to him!
I couldn?t have said it better. I have made friends internationally via this web site and I will treasure those memories. Please keep my email address ([email protected]) to use if you need anything. It has been a pleasure.
David Silver
Thank you Blondie. INCREDIBLE! Another one bites the dust. No scriptures from the New World Translation--but he will not close his site. At least not yet, unless he gets his own letter from higher up.