Seattleniceguy said:
: I'm interested in seeing some textual examples of how the style changes, as you say, after page 10, and again at page 24.
Well, I suppose it's best shown by going through the table of contents, with my comments along the way. So here goes:
Page 3: "Where Is This World Heading?"
Standard "bad old world" stuff including comments about bombings, crime, churches backing war, clergy involved in genocide and sexual abuse and coverups, church buildings sold, pollution, difficulty earning a living, malnutrition, war, pestilence. Oddly, earthquakes are not mentioned here. Idea is: this is part of a pattern of global significance. Sidebar on "Does God Really Care?"
Page 6: "What Does It All Mean?"
Standard "end of this system" exposition on Matthew 24:1-8, Luke 21:10, 11, concluding with "the world is so very, very bad." Sidebar "The Last Days of What?" that concludes, "these are the last days of this violent, loveless system of things and those who cling to its ways." Sidebar "Is the Bible Really God's Word?" plugging the WTS book by nearly the same name.
Page 9: "Where Is Your Life Heading?"
Theme is that most people pay little attention to the really important matters of life or where they're heading, but the Bible gives good direction. Sidebar "What Is Most Important to You?" asks how the reader would rate various issues in importance, such as entertainment/recreation, job/career, health, mate, worship of God, etc. Sidebar "Are Your Choices Leading You to Where You Really Want to Go?" on page 10 expands on previous page's sidebar. You can really start to see the JW jargon come into play here, even though an attempt is made to dress the exposition for a general audience. The last bit is the kicker. The subtitle "Worship Of God" says: "Is having the approval of God more important to me than the approval of my mate, my children, my parents, or my employer? In order to maintain a comfortable life-style, would I be willing to push service to God into second place?" Sidebar on page 11, "Consider Carefully the Bible's Counsel", asks a number of questions that expand yet again on themes of JW living. E.g., "Ask Yourself: Does my pattern of life show appreciation for this direction found in God's Word? During the past month, did I skip any Christian meetings because I let something else crowd them out?"
Page 12: "'The Hour of Judgment' Has Arrived"
Standard exposition on Revelation, the day of God's judgment, Babylon the Great, "get out of her my people", do not love the world -- all of which would thoroughly confuse, and probaby irritate, non-JWs. Short sidebar on page 14: "When Will the End Come?" quotes Matt. 24:44, 25:13; Hab. 2:3. Longer sidebar on page 14, "Would It Make a Difference if You Knew?" gives the standard JW view on the question. Full-page sidebar on page 15 explains "The Issue of Sovereignty" using the standard methods. This page has a large picture of the great dream-image of the book of Daniel, which has a head of gold, feet of iron mixed with clay, etc. Not a word of explanation about the picture; only a JW (or perhaps SDA) would have a clue what this is about.
Page 16: "A New World According to God's Promise"
Standard "if you're good, you will live in a paradise earth" theme. Typical pictures of paradise scenes: mountains, a pretty lake, families eating from baskets and tables overflowing with produce, a man and two small girls petting lion cubs in a zoo. Concludes with a steretypical bit of JW jargon: "The crucial question is: Are we making the needed adjustments in order to be counted worthy to be a part of that 'new earth' under the 'new heavens'?"
Page 20: "Paying Attention Saved Their Lives"
Standard exposition on "pay attention to warnings" including "the early Christians heeded Jesus' warning to flee from Jerusulam and lived". The subtitle on page 21 appears to be general, but JWs will understand that it means "You'd better pay attention to the warning the Governing Body is giving you in this brochure!" I just about busted a gut after reading the first sentence. Here it is in its entirety:
Do You Take Seriously Warnings From Reputable Sources?
After hearing about numerous warnings that have not materialized, many people treat all warnings lightly. However, heeding warnings may save your life.
In China in 1975, warnings were given that an earthquake would strike. Officials took action. The people responded. Many thousands of lives were saved.
In April 1991 in the Philippines, villagers on the slopes of Mount Pinatubo reported that steam and ash were spouting from the mountain. After monitoring the situation for two months, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology warned of imminent danger. Promptly, tens of thousands of people were evacuated from the area. Early on June 15, with a mighty explosion, more than two cubic miles of pulverized material was hurled toward the heavens and then settled over the countryside. Paying attention saved thousands of lives.
The Bible warns of the end of the present system of things. We now live in the last days. As the end nears, are you keeping on the watch? Are you taking action so as to stay out of the danger zone? With a sense of urgency, are you warning others to do the same?
Note the JW-oriented jargon in the last sentence.
Page 22: "They Took No Note"
People ignored cyclone warnings in Darwin, Australia and many were killed; people ignored volcano warnings in Colombia in 1985 and 20,000 were killed; you'd better heed warnings that come from God himself; note what happened with Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah. Short sidebars on pages 22, 23 with accompanying scenes of disaster: "Was There Really a Global Flood?" and "Were Sodom and Gomorrah Actually Destroyed?" Implication is that the reader had best heed the vague warnings in the brochure, since they really come from God (even though nothing has really been stated clearly), and "KEEP ON THE WATCH!" (even though "watch for what?" has not been answered).
Page 24: "That You May Not Enter Into Temptation"
Jesus was tempted; we today are under pressure; we must endure to the end; we must not yield to the temptations of Satan's world and quit; pray continually; God answers prayers; be realistic in our expectations so as not to grow weary; Jehovah will help us; remember the issues in God's permission of wickedness; stay close to Jehovah. Sidebar on page 25: "Some Factors That Cause Discouragement". The 20 paragraphs conclude with a sidebar on "Study Questions" in the standard Watchtower manner.
Page 28: "'Above All Things, Have Intense Love'"
Definition of "agape" love; why we should love one another; how we demonstrate that we love others; love moves us to share the good news of God's Kingdom with others; soon this wicked world will give way to God's righteous new world. The 20 paragraphs conclude with a sidebar on "Study Questions" in the standard Watchtower manner.
Page 32: "Help to Understand the Bible"
The usual offer of free home Bible study.
: Is the paragraph numbering only after page 24? How strange.