I did notice the lack of 1914 and Armageddon references. Not quite sure what this means, though. Is it because they're really heading away from using the date? Or because they still wanted to retain the appeal to a generalized audience? Also, there could be a desire to avoid putting in too much material that could easily be checked on the internet. Type "jehovah's witness 1914 OR armageddon" into a search engine and watch how much critical material shows up.
: They never tell you what to look for!
Precisely the point of my post! That's another proof that the brochure is mainly intended for JWs, since they already know, again in a vague sort of way, what to "watch" for. By "vague" I mean that JWs sort of know that there are supposed to be some sort of "signs" that they personally must look for, but have no real idea of what they are, but know that anything concrete is to be looked for within Watchtower literature. In other words, JWs "keep on the watch" by watching The Watchtower.
In your 2nd post you said:
: As sick as it sounds the JWs have a better theoretical christianity.
Perhaps in some respects. Certainly not in many respects. That's why JWs are rightly considered a cult by most people, and ought to be considered a destructive cult by everyone because they do cause a great deal of destruction in families and personal lives -- far more than most other Christian sects do.
Also, the Feb. 1, 2005 article does indeed contain essentially the same old message. A few details may have been changed so as to keep up with "new light", but not much. The fact that early Christians also preached a message of "soon" doesn't change that fact. It does mean that the Christian message is wrong, since from the 1st century, the prophecies have failed. The Watchtower Society has been preaching the same message of "real soon now" and "Armageddon is right around the corner" since the very first issues of Zion's Watch Tower.
It's true that lots of braindead Fundies besides the JWs are expecting the Big A anytime soon. That's why, as Jim Penton likes to say, they're all pups from the same big old mother dog.
I figured that the only way to discuss anything concrete about the brochure was to write something concrete about it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Good point about "limitedness".
Holy_Cheeses said:
: After having looked very briefly at the brochure, I believe the paragraph numbering towards the end of the publication (broken in to two articles) is for the purpose of training potential converts into the methods of the watchtower study articles. It could also be used at some 'special' meeting or study with current bible studies.
I'm sure that the numbering will be used that way as well. But introducing such uniquely Watchtower teaching methods in an introductory brochure seems dicey to me. But it feels like home to JWs.