From the Gospel according to John , 21:25 New World translation :
"There are , in fact , many other things which Jesus also did , which , if ever they were written in full detail , I suppose , the world itself could not contain the scrolls written."
Well , John , here you are , charged with the responsibility to relate the life and times of Jesus , and you do not tell us what these "many other things" are.
Why not ? Did you run out of time ? Did you run out of scrolls? Is your ref to "many other things" hearsay ? If so , why put unsubstantiated rumour in the account? If the Bible is divinely inspired , God must have caused John to write the gospel. Why did God not entrust the task to someone who had the ability - or time/energy/scrolls , whatever - to provide a more detailed account? Were the "many other things" irrelevant ? If so , why did Jesus do them? If not , why did God not ensure we knew of them?
Anybody able to play advocate for John ?