We need to keep the Holocost in front of us, no matter what it takes. This same systematic genocide is still taking place, this time it in Africa.
If you don't like films, docu-drama movies, documentaries. Fine, don't watch them. But if one picture is worth a thousand words.... the effect of a living, moving memorial is priceless.
Schindler's List was Speilberg giving back for what had earned. The subject happened to be a German Capitalist who ended up saving over 1,000 lives. The Pianist was incredible as life in the post-evacuated ghetto where he would have been shot if he had not kept in hiding. BBC's World At War, 30 years ago, is incredible, especially with the 4 added DVD's. Band of Brothers says it like it was.
To see the atrocities even inflicted from one (happens to be jew) person to another (happens to be jew) person was just incredible. Walking over dead bodies in the ghetto streets because you weren't of their class. You can't hide here because we decided we don't have enough room. I'm not going to share because I don't have enough. Human nature.
After seeing these two movies specifically, then seeing the wall Isreal is putting up around Palestine, and the check points and the round-a-bout way Palestinians have to travel to get to work or to school.... I want to shout "Hey! Don't you remember Warsaw?! Why are you now the abusers?"
As an American, my generation, and the previous 3 generations have not seen our country attacked and under the ravages of war. War has not disrupted our lives in any way since WWII. War does not disrupt our lives even today! But we need to SEE what it does to understand, especially here in our padded US.
Psst: Peace begins with me - pass it on!