Damn it - the weight she lost came to me! TAKE IT BACK!
Nice job jwbot! Feel good and enjoy it!
by jwbot 108 Replies latest jw friends
Damn it - the weight she lost came to me! TAKE IT BACK!
Nice job jwbot! Feel good and enjoy it!
You look sooooooooooooooooo hot!!
I also want your bo..... ah, nevermind! (just kidding)!
I started a New Year diet, and I am doing very well.
Thank you so much for the inspiration!
I don't see any major results yet in 11 days, but I feel SO much better about myself already. Just eating healthier gives you so much energy.
TheListener: Not M&M's, they are cough drops...I got pretty sick recently and had no voice! Its back now, I notice that I do not get sick as much and when I did get sick, it did not last long and I got back to feeling 100%
Under74: Yes, done the healthy way, I think. I posted some details of what I did a few pages back. At some point I will go to the doctors and get things checked to make sure I am ok. No more back spasms though! And I have so much energy!
You look AMAZING! You did before, but now...yum.
Jwbot you look fantastic!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself for that accomplishment!
Code Blue, I think on the first or second page of this thread I made some long posts about what I did in more detail. It really was not anything crazy or expensive, just applied some common sense and determination.
Woooh, How you doin?.......
Keep it up...........
Damn, you look so hot.
WOW aren't you the CAT's MEOW< purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
If you were a bowl of milk I'd eat you....
Love Orangefatcat..meowwwwwwwwwwwww....
I just wanted to say How beautiful you are!
I every picture you have! You have such a beautiful face! and Now you look HOT not because you lost all the weight but the fact you look so Happy!!!!
I am so proud of you! After seeing that I worked out! LOL! I am too going through a weight loss! I have lost 30 pounds(thanks to having 2 kids in 2 years) and I want to loose more weight. Seeing the pictures made me feel that I can do it too! I know what I have to do. Eating right and Working out? Who knew that could help you loose Weight! At least you don't have to say "Trim Spa Baby!"