Good picture - I like it - GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY - It used to be my hobby many years ago
What do you make of this picture?
by heart2heart 28 Replies latest jw friends
Weird!! Creepy!! Now I want to find another picture of a moth!
Been there
Could it be??? Satanus as a wee lad.
Bloomin' 'ec! Very scary!
The original version of The Fly was released in 1958, and was in black and white. I believe that picture is from the 1986 remake starring Jeff Goldblum. The original is a classic, the remake is not.
The photo is from the original which is in colour. Both the original and the remake are classics.
The photo is from the original which is in colour. Both the original and the remake are classics.
And to think I nearly missed this thread coz I thought it might be a boring one about subliminal pictures in the Wt.
Over the holidays I saw a (lame) movie about insects that evolved themselves to look like humans and took over an abandoned section of NY subway. I forget the name of it (thank gawd) but the pic brought it all back...
LittleToe: sorry for bringing back those memories, lol
SimpleSally: I will try to find another picture of a moth - she has hundreds (really!) of pictures of stuff like this!
For those that were reminded of the movie the Fly, that is really creepy!!
Oh my God! that is wierd! I think I'm having a Pink Floyd moment, aaaaaa aaaa aaaaaa!!!!!!!! Beth
Oh I could make a hat or a dinosaur or a broche.... (Airplane)