I hadn't even realised that Born Again Christians were apocalyptic until I was told by one that 'the end was coming' this week
Well, some are, some aren't. "Born again Christians" are Christians who believe they have experienced the new birth spoken of by Jesus in John 3, and they comprise a wide range of beliefs and denominations. Unlike what many JW's think, there is no "born again Christian" organization in which everyone marches in doctrinal lockstep. That is just the JW's projecting their own situation onto others.
As far as being "apocalyptic," most BAC are Bible believers, and some interpret prophecy in such a way as to make them believe that we are living in the "last days," similar to what the Witnesses believe. However, Scripture seems to apply the term "latter days" to the period beginning with the coming of the Messiah. There is no restriction to a single "generation," as JW's believe, but in fact ALL Christians have lived in the "latter days."
Is the return of Christ imminent? Most Christians believe that it is, but "imminent" may not mean what you think it does. To say that the return of Christ is "imminent," in theological terms, means that it could happen at any time, that there are no other events that must come to pass before it happens. But it doesn't mean that it must happen in the near future. It could come five minutes from now, or a thousand years from now.