were there any embarassing moments in the congregation?
by badboy 36 Replies latest jw friends
When I was probably 10 years old there was a sister in our hall that rode her bicycle everywhere, didn't drive, was a vegetarian, very hippy-type clothes, and was a regular pioneer. All of the sudden overnight she was disfellowshipped and it was rumored to be because of "apostacy" although at the time I couldn't figure out what that was.
She wrote a letter and mailed it to everyone in the KH and all I can remember is that the elders called around the day everyone would receive it and said not to open it, but she denounced them.
That next Thursday night she showed up at the KH during the meeting and yelled all kinds of things at the elders during the meeting. 4 brothers immediately got up and physically dragged her out and then trespassed her. I will never forget it, but now as an adult I think she must really have felt like she was wronged by them to go to such lenghts. I always thought she was nice.
Nancy Drake
The very last time I was at a Kingdom Hall, before I was disfellowshipped, I went to a Sunday meeting, but left early to go to work.
On my way out, while everything is quiet and everyone is sitting down watching me leave, I trip over an elders bookbag and fell on my ass. Many of the kids ROARED with laughter. I must have looked pretty funny. I'm glad I wore underwear that day.
Heard a story of a brother on microphone duty who went to the bathroom with the wireless mic turned on in his jacket pocket. Back in the auditorium, the brother reading the paragraph was nearly drowned out by the sound of water trickling. No one really knew what was going on till a fart echoed out of the speakers.
Back in the 80's my congo's circuit asemblies were held in a renovated theater in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Think of the old grand theaters with big balconies and steep stairs in the aisles.
All of the young people used to sit in the balcony with their friends( good opportunity to scope out the cute sisters). Well one Sunday this young sister from my hall who had quite an attitude problem, walks back to her seat from the intermission about 20 minutes late. As she steps on the first stair going down to the end front seats of the balcony, she steps into the sleeve of a brothers jacket and falls tumbling down the aisle from the top of the stairs all the way down to the front row seats. As she is rolling down all of us are trying to stop/catch her as she rolls from step to step, screaming with her dress hiked up over her head.
She finally stops at the bottom of the aisle in tears but unhurt.
The entire balcony was in tears as well, because of our stifled laughter.
Low-Key Lysmith
My sister suffered from Down's Syndrome. As a result, she was prone to make really outlandish statements at times. She developed a crush on this brother named Frankie. He was about 15 years old at the time. After a Sunday meeting one time, she went around to everyone that would listen and told them she didn't feel good cuz "Frankie had made her pregnant"! All false of course! We laughed about that one for a long time afterward.
Well I guess this would count as embarrassing. During one of the public talks I feel asleep and started leaning into the aisle and fell over. I jumped up so quick and tried to play it off as if I was trying to reach for something.
We had a bro in a teeny tiny KH get up to give a talk with his zipper down- wife tried to get his attention (couldn't) so she finally just walked up and "helped" him fix it. I could have died for him.
During a study of the evolution/Creation book, the brother reading got the word for organism wrong.
Another time a brother made a mess of a closing prayer, and decided to end it with the holy words, oh shit. -
The JellyBaby
One Thursday on the 'Ministry School', My mum and my Sister were doing a No.3 talk. They started off ok, and then about 2mins into the talk, one of them gave out a little giggle.....that caused the other to start laughing...and it snowballed from there. It was 5 mins of giggling and uncontrollable laughter, while the rest of the congregation sat stone faced, no beleiving what they were seeing. The tears rolled down my face for the rest of the night.I was in stitches. As they left the platform, one old' holyer than thou' sister uttered..'that was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen'...and the school oversear coul'nt comment on the topic they were working on due to the 'slight lapse in concentration'......I think this was another nail into the coffin of ours.