What really irks me is that we used to be warned by the WT Org about not sending around those JW email forwards, as many of these second hand stories could not be confirmed as true...
Just got back from the 2004-2005 circuit assembly here are a few thoughts.
by PaNiCAtTaCk 106 Replies latest jw friends
Here in Southern Califonia we had our circuit assembly three weeks ago and from reading your post one of the items you listed was the exact same that the circuit overseer talked about. He added that she now understands how busy the brothers are with work, family and meetings.
(They warned against being to critical of our congregation. Used an example of one circuit overseers wife who was always critical of everyone and there excuses for low hours ect. but that now that shes older and has problems shes understanding and compassionate.)
Locally we were told we must be obident in the small things like not talking to disfellowshipped ones I guess that is a problem and something else that caught my attention was that attending of meetings it is non-negotiable. The CO read from a 1965 WT that stated that if stop going to meetings we are basically DF ourselves from the Cong and that if Armegeddon comes we will die>>>
I have never heard this so I guess meeting attendance is really LOW overall in our circuit.
Stop your killing me! It's an odd thing to be completly disgusted and sickened and yet be laughing your ass off at the same time! I dont' know what to say I really don't, I like to think my comments out and contribute at least something to the discussion but I don't know what to say here at all... I'm just speechless
I wonder where you buy those little coffins, I'd like to turn in my DA letter inside one. A nice touch, dontcha think?
If your into disney pin trading several of the haunted mansion pins come in little coffins that would be perfect for this!
Here's a good one! Just take Jack out!... Or maybe wrap him with the letter like a shroud... Yep they are gonna think your demonized!
Hi Panicattack,
You related:
She spent the night with this man she had met. Well after the alcohol wore off the guilt set in. The remaining day or so on the ship was very difficult for her on the ship. Well they pack all their bags and they are fixing to disembark the ship when this nice guy she had met yelled out for her saying "Wait I want to give you something for you to remember our nice time on the ship together." He gave her a little box with wrapping paper on it and told her not to open it until they got home. By the time she got on the plane for home she just couldnt take it anymore she just had to open it right then to see what it was. In the box their was a
little coffin with a note in it that said "WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF AIDS" (the whole audience gasped for air!) The talk was about remaining clean and obedience to the organization.As other posters here have already related this is another one of those urban legends that the WT likes to relate to scare the dubbies into submission. A few years ago at a circuit assembly I attended, there was a very similar story told except this time there was a married brother away at a business convention. He meets hot woman, beds her and then the woman gives him a package to open up when he is on the plane. The married brother opens the package and sees a message similar to the one that you related. The brother confesses to his wife and she divorces him. Of course, all of us dubbies are scared into submission to the organization lest we find out we have AIDS via a package that we open up on a plane. Now, when I look back at it, I am pissed that I was so gullible to swallow this urban legend. The WT has no shame in telling such lies to keep their drones in the fold.
Mr. Shakita
I just hated assemblies, and this reminds me why.
Locally we were told we must be obident in the small things like not talking to disfellowshipped ones I guess that is a problem and something else that caught my attention was that attending of meetings it is non-negotiable. The CO read from a 1965 WT that stated that if stop going to meetings we are basically DF ourselves from the Cong and that if Armegeddon comes we will die>>>
Wow, now they're up to death threats to get people to attend the meetings.
Very sad.
Fear tactics in play big time. WT has got everyone wrapped around their fingers.
I've heard 3 versions of the "Welcome to the world of AIDS" urban (email) legend for a few years now...and all came from non-jw's!! How dare they! AIDS is nothing to play around with yet they stoop that low to prove their false points. There's no boundaries to how far they'll go.
Doubtfully Yours
Such stamina in taking all those notes!!!
Just the thought of having to still attend the assemblies yet one more year... Gosh... gives me such feelings of stress!!!
Thanks for the info Panicattack. You are a more dilligent note taker than ever I was.
Your report leads me to two possible conclusions. Either 1) You exaggerate , or 2) the Assemblies contain even more bullshYtte than they did before.
Since you seem a reasonable man and are a fellow poster on this esteemed board of intellectual debaters, I must conclude that the second conclusion is the correct one... It is even worse that ever
BTW perhaps the overseer should read this point from the recent book "Benefit from Theocratic Ministry School Education" (quaintly abbreviated to the "Benefit Book")
be study 45 p. 242 Illustrations/Examples That Teach ***At times you may find it beneficial to reinforce a point of instruction with a real-life, modern-day experience. When doing this, however, be careful to use only experiences that have been verified and to avoid those that would unnecessarily embarrass anyone in your audience or that would draw attention to a controversial subject that is not at issue. Remember, too, that the experience should serve a purpose. Do not relate needless details that tend to divert attention from the objective of your presentation.
This is one of the most hysterical threads ever posted here.