same old bull shit. I have heard this crap that if you just read the awake and watchtower, in 3 years you have the equivlant of a 4 year collage degree. total bull shit. wives tales. myth. If this is true, then I have masters from reading cracked and mad mags.
the same old mind control. dont look at the man behind the curtin, keep close to the org. the end is soo close. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.
the only thing that you can accomplish by going to a meeting or assembly is killing brain cells. I can do that with beer and enjoy it a whole hell of a lot more.
It is all designed to keep their people form questioning them, dont get involved in the world, translating" dont have a life"
Dont get involved in the internet. translating" we cant answer the questions you will have if you educuate your self.
Dont wear low cut blouses, you sisters you keep the hem lines going up and v necks coming down. you have nice bodys and you should show them,
the old shits at the gov body have never seen a vagina, if they had they would not want to be a gov body member. let them suffer. the old ass holes, I hope they rot.