Using Third-World Poverty-Stricken Witnesses To Guilt More Donations Video, Where is that Video?
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Kaik my friend before replying to Insidethekh I looked at some of his previous posts and quickly came to the realization he is a WT drone who can't think for himself. Inside the KH is where he belongs where there is no need for proof because everything is certainty, like the proximity of Armageddon, or how the congregation is a safe haven for children... -
The video the OP mentioned speaks for itself. The widow/fatherless woman fed her growing children rice only at the start of the movie. After being visited by two elders whom she told how she was struggling financially the only help they gave her was so called spiritual food. The family are shown at the end eating only rice. Children need more than that and the woman was given no financial assistance, in total disregard of Christian duties.
It looks like the GB have been on their Xmas holiday break, the January video is still not up.
NVR2L8 and SLOTS, insidetheKH is troll who got verbal with me several times on this board; this WT cocotte called me numerous names while hiding behind the "anonymity" of the internet. I am sure that people in the HQ and Bethels would not be very thrilled if they find out that he is patrolling apostate website. He deliberately infuses lies into the discussions than retracts that word he posted was not exactly what he posted like that word NEVER...
I do not know any JW personally who starved to death, but considering situation that was during WWII in Central and Eastern Europe and in places like Lenigrad where many JWs during USSR lived - based on the statistics of the population survival in the city during the siege - at least one JW there had to die by starvation (overall 40% of population in Lenigrad died by hunger, freezing, and shelling during siege). Worse statistics were in Warsaw, which saw hungry winter in 1944 where 85% of population died between summer of 1944 and January 1945. Yet, we have here moron who used word NEVER with certainty. Extermination camps during WWII were not paradise. While there is a huge difference between suffering of JWs during the Nazi occupation where some of them suffered death, while other lived in life of idle luxury as servants for high ranking Nazi officials like Heydrich. I would still not dare to call death of 1500 JWs during that time as no single one had EVER died from hunger. I was in Terezin which was concentration camp for occupied Czechoslovakia, but served as a labor camp not extermination and there was certainly starvation at the end of the WWII. And Terezin was not Jasenovac or Treblinka. Czech JWs were in Terezin until it was liberated in May 1945.
Another lies is that someone would claim that he delivered supplies into country with wrong name. There was only Czechoslovakia. Material well being in communist Czechoslovakia was alright, and never required food banks. Social system was implemented in that country since 1926, unlike many other communist countries, which guaranteed some welfare nest. Social and economic situation in Poland was bad and very bad in Romania. I do not believe that communist regime would allow any truck deliveries for JWs there as it would not be possible. Jehovah Witnesses were illegal. Publications into Czechoslovakia and Romania were delivered through much liberal Hungary and I know personally the guy who used to do this. The idea that JW from Bethel could drive truck through Iron Curtain for illegal group with cloth and food supplies is so ridiculous that it does not have to be explained more to anyone who lived behind Iron Curtain like myself at that time. You could travel out only on permit. Travel to other communist countries was possible, but difficult and required extensive permits. I been all in that region from Russia to Balkans and I know how the travel system worked.
Food bank that was done for Romania in December 1989 was right during Romanian Revolution and had to do with overall situation in that region following the collapse of the Berlin Wall. There was no any other food bank or donations before or afterwards, not even for Yugoslavia and Sarajevo from our KH. Any case, we should ignore the WT mole insidetheKH as his sole purpose is to sow disinformation on the JWN.
The joy of giving is not there if you are giving to an organization that has your damnation as its essence. I give a hearty Bah! and a Humbug! to giving to the washtowel because all they want is damnation for the human race. And watch them declare the Israel mission a success even if they place very little, simply because they managed to connect to the curses in the LIE-ble.
I refuse to give to that organization. And I refuse to waste the money going on these stupid missions and traveling hundreds of kilometers each way to the Grand Boasting Sessions. Those of us who have a little to spare should be getting ready for a major financial crash, worse than 2008--this time with hyperinflation. Resources wasted donating to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, or that are wasted on field circus supplies, long trips to a$$emblies, or stupid missions or volunteer work could have been better spent on silver and gold, or materials you will need when you start getting rolling blackouts as a result of the coming energy shortage. While everything seems in abundant supply is the time, since flashlights, batteries, and chargers are easy to find and relatively cheap. Silver is also ridiculously cheap now. But, when the dollar becomes toilet paper and energy is scarce, will it be cheap then?Now, imagine what happens when you donate abundantly. You leave barely enough for yourself. You waste time in field circus, even pious-sneering. You go do the Israel mission, and waste more funds traveling 400 or 500 km to the Grand Boasting Session. Then, the dollar becomes toilet paper. You are broke. Have fun getting any of that money back, in a form you can use (silver and gold). Where will joke-hova be to support you then? Meanwhile, my silver will be useful as currency--and it will be worth a lot then.
I have to say I actually side with inside on this ... except maybe his use of the word never.
Helping a brother in need, on a local level JW'S do this. They as individuals care (of course the one in need must be active).
As an organization, I believe the motivation to help on a larger scale is more for a public relations pat on the back. -
Wannabefree...people of other religions also do that and not just on a local level. Read the news....just last week in Québec, neighbors raised over 40k in support of a 8 year old survivor of a house fire. Churches organize soup kitchens and volunteers deliver meals on a daily basis for aged and handicapped people in need who may not even be of their confession...leaving 2 free mags and offering a free study is how JW help the hungry and the poor. JW do the very minimum by only helping those who are in the same faith. Instead the bulk of their donations go to a multi-billion dollars real estate corporation who even accept donations from the poorest of the poor. -
NVR2L8 ... agree, I'm just saying there are plenty of things to criticize the organization for, but JW's are pretty good about taking care of their own in my opinion. I would agree that other faiths are good, some not so, some are better ... and then there are those that take care of others with no religious persuasion. JW's help is conditional to be sure. I guess I can't make an informed decision as the entire scope of how JW's treat others in all congregations all over the earth, but I think as individuals they are mostly caring people ... although the organizational aspect makes them feel a disconnect to non-JW's who may be in need. -
wannabefree, there is a huge difference between a personal initiative to help someone and versus organized charity work that KH have not done and is rather stingy on helping others. I had never seen KH helped anyone not in Czech Republic. When they had major floods in 1997 and 2002 in which large part of Prague was under water, JWs did not helped each other at all. The attitude of the aged JWs was survival of the fittest. No compassion. I knew three JW families who were flooded out in 1997, and all what the elders did were asking people to distribute more literature. Some of these people depended on Catholic charity to get food, shelter, and donation. There was not even collection for people who lost everything in the flood. I seen how Catholic charity helped extensively, I saw Catholic nuns in Prague to sandbag and clean up after the flood in 2002. I do not think it will be as hard for the KH to organize a food bank and soup kitchen for community in natural distress, because 7DA had done wonderful work and their numbers in the city is exactly the same as the number of the JWs.