I love that line of reasoning... So is that an admission of guilt?
If so than how do you mesh that with the counsel to "get of her my people- if you do not want to share in her sin..." and "bad associations spoiling useful habits" and "from these turn away" etc etc?
Also, just because people in charge were "apostate", didn't mean individual family heads went along with it. They weren't forced to go out in the ministry and meetings etc. They still lived their normal lives they just refrained from partaking in any "apostate" religious practices. That is what many people on this forum seem to be doing - refraining from participation in what is false (WTS). Not pursuing what is evil (well at least some of us hehehe)lol
So I would ask that elder, if the WTS is "guilty" of things like the Israelites- What exactly are they "guilty" of? And at what point does it become obvious that J has rejected them as the He did the Israelites, and who is the replacement, if any? Can individuals serve "God" just as those ancient family heads must have under "apostate" Israel? Can it possibly be EXACTLY as Jesus stated the each of us will have an accounting individually?
Prepare to be shunned at point blank range!