since phobia means "afraid of", i think the term homophobia should be clarified. to most people i would be considered homophobic, howeve, i'm not afraid of homos, i just don't like them.
homophobia is a mis-nomer
by sawthelight 36 Replies latest jw friends
Many times words take on meanings that fall far from the tree/roots that spawned them. For instance, I think "homophobic" has come to mean something more along the lines of "stupid, close-minded bigot, unwilling to acknowledge the differences in humans and therefore a drain on this earth".
But, I realize that that is new light.
i think homophobic means: smart, intelligent, having good taste, normal, not easily led by left wing gear boxes, etc.
sawthelight -
As William F. Buckley has pointed out, homophobia literally means a fear of one's own kind. However in our culture it has come to mean a fear of homosexuals. To be true to the language one should one should characterize a fear of homosexuals as homosexualphobia, but this is overlong so I suppose the widely used homophobia will suffice.
so what do you think of homos? -
, howeve, i'm not afraid of homos, i just don't like them.
Care to explain what you don't like about Gay people. Do you know any? Do you perhaps know lots but just don't know it? People you work with and like who don't share their sexual preferences with you so you have no irrational hatred toward?
Say something that would show "intelligence" in what you post.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
I believe that homosexuality is a sin, which makes the homosexual just like every other human on earth -- a sinner. Having said that, I do not dislike homosexuals anymore than I dislike one of my friends who routinely breaks the speed limit when he drives his car -- which also is a sin. I feel comfortable around the homosexuals that I know as well as the speeders.
Hello, people, welcome to 2001! :)
We don't say 'homophobic' anymore, we say 'heterosexist'.
You know, just like 'racist' only different...Sawthelight, while you may not be homophobic, you are heterosexist.
Sawthelight is expressing a personal preference, so that has to be OK.
I don't mind gay people in the least, but I think that supporters of Southampton Football Club should be drowned at birth.
Englishman - Who hates it when the Saints go marchin' in!
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
Mommie Dark
Eman said: "I don't mind gay people in the least"
I'll say it again: I don't either. I am often quite happy myself...
who thinks we all need a little gaiety