Ashton, are you related to DY?
by AshtonCA 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Ashton, are you related to DY?
Ashton, I am so sorry to hear what you have gone through. I too have gone through being molested. It is a long hard process to healing, but even though it never completely goes away it can get better. It helps a lot to talk to others about it, so I hope your posting here works as a good start for you.
Sorry to hear about what you went through. Getting it off your chest is a good first step, especially to people who will actually listen to you. Hopefully your mother and aunt will be able to deal with their issues as well.
Thank you all for your kind words. I'm 37 yo and it is a subject that I don't speak of often. I have never had counseling, though I know I should have.
while reading all of these posts on this board, I can so relate to most topics. I swear, I have to look and see if the posts weren't posted by my siblings lol.
Hi, not sure who DY is
Ashton.That is so sad - child molesters are usually trusted people (eg relatives) who carefully 'groom' their 'victim' first. In cases like this, it seems more tragic as the MOLESTER is doubly trusted (picked by no less than GOD HIMSELF).
I was told, as a youngster, (when I questioned that there MUST be bad people in 'The Truth' - human nature being what it is), that Jehovah soon brings it to light and rids the Congregation of sinners. Keeping the Congreagation 'clean'. I beg to differ. If I could see a child being molested I would act IMMEDIATELY, and I wonder why Jehovah allows this to go unnoticed in HIS Organisation for so long.
Kay - sorry to hear that you had to experience this too (was he a JW?)- I think it is far more widespread than we think.
This makes me so angry, Ashton I am sorry to hear your story *HUGS*
I hope you find some kind of comfort in this forum
(was he a JW?)
yes he is. I don't worry about it all that much anymore. I'm just satisifed the karma part is taking over and sit back and revel in it!
You said he IS a JW kay - still???? I think young mothers in the Congregation ought to be made aware of who these people are - then let's see if they trust their 'brothers' or their own instincts.
Ashton and Kay
My heart goes out to you both. This sort of thing is unforgivable; even more so when perpetrated by people claiming a strong religious belief.