"You're only making it worse for yourself" Monty Python - Life of Brian.
So if I'm to understand your "poll", now you're bringing into disrepute the fine (albeit wusey) men of Southern California and West Central Iowa as well as Colorado, huh?
"Ahm gonna kick yoo in da nutz!" Cartman - South Park
Get a syringe and inject deer urine (can be purchased at hunting supply stores) or skunk smell into the rubber lining of their car doors. A nasty, long lasting, car ordorizer. heh.
Nooooooooo!!! You're ruining the statistical evidence!!! You're not from Canada, are ya?
Ah, you're a girly, and I can ignore that comment for the sake of the count - pheww. I'm guessing I'd best make up to you some way, though - (((hugs)))
I'll get onto that first thing in the morning country girl. We don't have a hunting store within cooeee but I'm sure I can train a deer to pee on comand.
Upside/Down, I had to laugh when you talked about getting your ass kicked at JW sports events. One year another elders kid blindsided me while playing football, TWICE!. Now I weighed about 130 lbs. soaking wet, I just had alot of speed. So after the game I don't know what comes over me. I tap him on the shoulder and just spit right in his face. Now this guy is way bigger and stronger than me, and just found it fun to bully me. So he just kicks my ass as the other elders just sit and laugh. After he bloodies me a little bit, I just snapped. (I can take an ass kicking better than anyone I know) So I tell the elders they're stupid, then I call the guy an asshole, spit in his face again, and smoked him in the face as hard as I could. Then the elders say I went overboard. I almost got df'd for it, and I was like 15 years old. That's my experience with JW sports. As the years went by, they stopped inviting me because I was way faster than any of them, and they couldn't handle it.
I came in around age 11. Most of my JW-youth was spent in Western Tennessee. Rest assured, my Dad had let it "slip" with some tried and true ways to deal with lil' SOB's and bullies.
That being said....... I have found that a little "roll in the gravel" will usually re-adjust the thinking of the average JW male.
A polite warning of an impending ass-kicking can be very effective when dealing with overbearing adult JW"S. The sensation of a tight shirt collar and full back- to- wall contact will convince even the most "spritual" elder that he has overstepped his authority.
Lt- slight correction.... not "men", but the "brothers" of a given local. And don't soften it, I didn't say WUSEY's I said 's.. get it straight!
Come to Colorado and I'll beat your Braveheart Scottish ass! Or you'll beat mine, either way I'm sure a "manly" lesson will be learned. lol
Slight change of subject... we have the Highland Scottish games every year here in a town called Estes Park, have you ever heard of it back in the "homeland"? I mean all these husky ass Scots in their kilts with their "clans" throwing telphone poles and getting drunk. It's quite a sight. We Sicilians don't have an equivalent, wish we did... maybe something with a "mob" motif?