Guys ONLY... Hear me out, but did you notice...

by upside/down 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    Thanks U/D for giving me an other occasion to make a poste

  • Sunnygal41

    I smell testosterone.


    Robdar!!! LMAO! I've been being polite and just wading thru my hipboots far, so good.........

    *clutches at handbag* I don't want you guys stealing her for your violence .. she's gucci you know ... she only inflicts harm for me.

    LMAO@Monkey! Now we're getting somewhere!

  • LittleToe


    Come to Colorado and I'll beat your Braveheart Scottish ass! Or you'll beat mine, either way I'm sure a "manly" lesson will be learned. lol

    You talkin; ta me?
    Are you talkin' ta me??

    So, first you inviterd all the guys into your thread, excluding the wimminz, talk about guys asses, then nuts, and now you're talking about watching a Scotsman play with his caber. I'm starting to wonder about you S-CA/Ohio/Colorado types... what kind of beating did you have in mind, big boy?

  • upside/down
    You talkin; ta me?
    Are you talkin' ta me??

    Are you sure you're not a Scotcilian. Cuz yuz sounds like one o my cuzzins!

    What's a caber?Kilt

    "Big boy"? Well thank you, actually the net adds 6" ("things" on screen are much smaller than they appear) Pinocchio . Like a camera adds 10lbs. But thanks for noticing!

    Scotland Colorado United States Italy California Iowa

    Oh oh that reminds me of a jr. high joke: You're right we are 's. After all you are what you eat! (sorry ladies,couldn't resist)

    I missed out on so many to these pubescent, adolescent, pissing contest, "guy" things as a wee lad...


  • LittleToe

    A caber is that "telegraph pole" thing, you saw getting thrown around are what you eat!


  • Euphemism


  • m0nk3y

    Can I point out that most men in relationships with women have been shaped and molded into a decent member of society *well close enough for public consumtion* and the reason that is ? Because women are one of the nastiest most fierce forces on this earth, men just don't want to admit it. Having said that :smile: evolution has provided a preditor of the women, it's called the 'homosexual' and although we come in many different types, shapes and sizes we are built for one thing ... well two things actually

    1.) Making women feel like we are their best friend with the most gorgeous fashion sense/ideas on relationships/shoulder to cry on about you lesser species (MEN) etc etc. While they are feeling comfortable we gain the power. Meanwhile while the women is feeling completely helpless at this point our sister homos move in and provide a 'real' shoulder for the women to cry on "the plan is flawless"

    2.) With this new power we steal their men, hit the man on the head and drag them back to our cave!!

    Ok so where was I, oh yes MEN .. you may try and sound tough and loud and "I will beat you up and teach you a lesson" but women and THE GAYS are much, much more advanced and in the end will outwit your every plan :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    Men, you are only meat .. cattle, when will you learn ?!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, U/D, I was under the distinct impression that most men, including brothers actually liked .

  • m0nk3y

    FlyingHighNow, there is a difference for men from liking and having sex with just like theres a difference from men secretly liking and pretending to like *coughs* LOL


  • FlyingHighNow
    FlyingHighNow, there is a difference for men from liking and having sex with just like theres a difference from men secretly liking and pretending to like *coughs* LOL


    , ey? My point is that if most men like so much, then why do they insult each other by calling each other? You'd think would be a sacred word.


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