**They still hang on to the tired old term "spiritual"! Me thinks the r&f is getting nothing of the kind and is slowly awakening to the reality!
It's rather hard to be spiritual in a place of learning. Did any of us feel anything remotely spiritual while in school?
The WTS proudly boasts that the meetings at the KHs are for learning about Jehovah and how we can be more pleasing to him. (trying not to gag as I'm writing that) They also take pride in the fact that JWs don't experience anything "emotional" as in traditional churches, but maybe now they are realizing that people *need* more than book-learnin' on how to appreciate God's rules 24/7.
They keep trying to replace the idea of "worship" with "following rules", and let's face it---this has worked pretty well for them til this point. For myself, I just kept telling myself that I'm doing what I'm supposed to but way down deep inside, I still missed the emotion I felt on Easter Sunday morning, and solemn candlelit services that made me feel SO good along with many other times all Church-related.
I recall hearing that WE don't need that-OUR worship is not based on emotions......but damn---I missed those emotions, and I'll bet I'm not alone in this. It has got to hit us in a place that we can't describe, but a "connection" anyway. JWs don't have anything of the sort, and are getting more clinical and cold as the years go by.
We've read a lot on here about the lack of gatherings, etc and the closeness that us "oldies" used to feel. I feel very sorry for those who are still caught up in it--and the new ones coming in-thinking they are being "trained" under God's direction. They will lose out on so much in their lives.