WTS seems to be recognizing that they may be at the End of the Line and hanging on by their fingertips.
The Slow Death of the WTS (from the WT 15 Feb 2005)
by ezekiel3 40 Replies latest watchtower bible
Not to get our hopes up too high:attrition through drifting away never being baptized, getting baptized and then drifting, and then those that are DF'd
I recall a similar comment made to me by a Pioneer Elder about 20 years ago. He said "We've losing them out of the back door as fast as we're bringing them in".
It is a good sign that it's finding it's way into the literature, though.
I recall a similar comment made to me by a Pioneer Elder about 20 years ago. He said "We've losing them out of the back door as fast as we're bringing them in".
But 20 years ago there would have still been some growth and I don't think jws were as jaded then as they are now!
Good Point LittleToe - I wonder how long it will be before WTBTS points to a Scripture which says to breed as much and fast as possible (have to make the numbers up somehow).
How can we get the whole article to analyze? --VM44
The slow death may be happening quicker than we think.....thanks to the internet and forums like this.
Right on target Edge.
However, me thinks the WT has been going forth and fornicating their own flocks for so many decades that the flock is all flocked out
I do remember reading the part where the apostle Paul says that children should honor their parents and the parents should not be irritating the children .(ephesians 6)That article is in contradiction to the bible .Sounds like more dogma that the WTBTS says they don't use . The bible also mentions examining yourself with scrutiny so as to approve yourself even for those christians who eat and drink at the lords supper once a year. 1st corinthians (11:28) . At some point you are supposed to have a bible trained conscience and be able to determine if your behaviour matches what God exspects. I don't know how all these people that read the bible once a year in the theocratic ministry school can just ignore the facts and swallow these loads of crap from the WTBTS. I think it's really sad how they are conditioned to follow WTBTS directives over their own personal conscience that they claim they train year in and out . What happened to trust not in mortal man to whom salvation does not belong ? ohhhh that's right it only applies to" worldly" people . The total lack of humility from these people is disgusting .
Personally,I'm wondering if the WTS is fudging the numbers,because even up here in northern ontario,the decrease is dramatic.At least 30% at the circuit assembly,pretty soon they're gonna start blocking off some sitting areas to make it look like it's really packed.
Also,we constantly hear of people,especially the younger ones,getting in trouble,getting df'd or just walking away.Maybe the real reason is they've just had it and need to break free but they always condemned so the ones left can take note of how they will be treated if they decide to defect.
I went to a meeting not too long ago, just for shits and giggles. Well, actually I was hoping to see some people I hadn't seen in a while to just catch up.
The KH was dead. Half the seats were empty. Half the people I wanted to see weren't there. The parts were boringly dull. The answers from the audience were monotone and were read straight from the publication. I did get to see an announcement for DFing read. For a fleeting moment I thought of going up to the DFd person after the meeting and striking up a conversation but I changed my mind...I never liked the guy. They also announced one baptism from the last assembly. So they lost one and gained one. It's a wash.
I tried to pay attention to the parts more than when I was active so that I could catch some of the you're not doing enough guilt trips and Armageddon's coming next week rhetoric but I soon lost interest and started day-dreaming. It was then that I realized why people didn't catch on to this crap any sooner. They come in, socialize a little, sit down, zone out, daydream, the message sinks into their subconscience and they never think about it or question it. Then they're trapped. It's only when they start to think for themselves and actually question what is presented do people wake up and realize what happened.