It was a beautiful day here today. I must say that I'm the happiest I've been my whole life. For so long I've been so jaded, so trying to make the pieces fit.
I can't help feeling I've been preparing my whole life for this, and it feels great. No regrets. I just realized I have 200+ postings here and I am now in the MASTER POSTER CLUB!!!
Thanks everyone for your encouraging words and support.
Thank You For Hearing Me - Sinead O'connor
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for seeing me
Thank you for seeing me
Thank you for seeing me
Thank you for seeing me
And for not leaving me
And for not leaving me
And for not leaving me
And for not leaving me
Thank you for staying with me
Thank you for staying with me
Thank you for staying with me
Thank you for staying with me
Thanks for not hurting me
Thanks for not hurting me
Thanks for not hurting me
Thanks for not hurting me
You are gentle with me
You are gentle with me
You are gentle with me
You are gentle with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thank you for holding me
And saying "I could be"
Thank you for saying "Baby"
Thank you for holding me
Thank you for helping me
Thank you for helping me
Thank you for helping me
Thank you, thank you for helping me
Thank you for breaking my heart
Thank you for tearing me apart
Now I've a strong, strong heart
Thank you for breaking my heart
Edited by - Pathofthorns on 19 August 2000 18:5:46